haha, 看到Bill和美风讨论这个老大难问题好高兴!

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回答: 美风还在钻研yingyudidida2013-05-14 11:16:28

最近我在一个课上也问道这个问题,看老师的回答: Hi, Tom, Normally I am pretty good at distinguishing Ch vs. Tr, but for some reason when they are in front of oo sound, like in chew vs. true, I couldn't really tell the difference at hearing them and I also pronounce them kind of in the same way. I know it seems "tr" needs a little more rounding/puckering of the lips. Is there any other difference? Can you elaborate a little bit?
Hi WQ, In 'true' vs. 'chew', make sure that your tongue is in the position for the 'R' when you are making the 't' sound in true. Now, because of the lip rounding that you need for the 'R' and the 'OO' sound, you will probably hear a little bit of a 'CH' sound. Just make sure that when you say 'chew', the tongue is not raising so high that you end up with an 'R' sound, and when you say 'true', you're tongue isn't so low that you lose the 'R' sound. Does all of that make sense?


说的头头是道啊!不知道我真正领会了没有?:) -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 beautifulwind 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/14/2013 postreply 12:13:35

cool, i like this one. -yingyudidida- 给 yingyudidida 发送悄悄话 yingyudidida 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/14/2013 postreply 12:18:35
