【回家路上】 bmdn

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I am sorry bmdn I almost missed the translation of On The Way Home you did for me the other day. Thank you for your support and I really appreciate your time! Good job! I've learned a lot from you.


I just got home and ate my dinner of chicken with soy sauce, which didn’t bring up my appetite at all, maybe I’m just a little tired. Everything was fine on my way home tonight except that I got two blisters on my feet after a long walk. After flying for over two hours I arrived at Toronto International Airport from the city I live. Everything was normal on the airplane, I got a window seat and was able to look at the beautiful scenery below. I saw the scenery from the airplane down, but nobody looked at me, which was fine! I had an old woman sat next to me.

I spent the two hours flipping through the magazines and browsing the sceneries outside. The plane started to descend and I was excited and nervous. I was excited because I’m finally home, I was nervous because I had to get home by bus, everyone was too busy to pick me up. With my computer tote bag on my back, I got out of the plane, dragged my suitcase, followed the signs to the exit. Outside of the gate, I saw a crowd waiting for bus. I saw a uniformed middle aged man in the distant and ran to him. I asked, “where should I wait if I want to go home by bus?” He glanced at me, said in a somewhat friendly manner: “down below, you need to go inside…” and turned to mind his other business. I walked back inside the gate and took the elevator to the ground floor. At the entrance of the elevator I saw an old Chinese couple. I heard the old woman saying in Cantonese, “Our Vancouver Airport got signs in Chinese, both simplified and traditional, there is nothing here.” I got outside of the door and saw another crowd seem to be waiting for buses. I walked toward them and after a few steps I saw a bus blasting toward us. I ran like racing a 200 meter dash to chase that bus. I wondered if I am really that old when I was able to run at 80% of the speed when I was young, having high heels and dozens of pounds of luggage. I felt great. I finally caught on the bus and breathing heavily, I asked the driver: “does this bus go to the subway?” The middle aged man looked at me in my eyes and said determinately, “every bus goes to the subway, you got to tell me where you’re going, I mean I don’t need you to tell me an exact address, which area are you going to?” The tone of the man downed to me that city dwellers are no bull shit, there is an air of snobbishness in every word this man uttered. I said: “of course downtown.” “well, then you need to wait for bus XX”, he said. I took my luggage down from the bus. Perhaps because of bewilderment shown on my face and my accent, just as I was able to stand firmly on the ground, the driver left his seat and followed me outside of the bus. His facial expressions and tones seemed to worry that country folks would bring troubles to the city government. He then said to me: “Bus XX is going to be here in couple of minutes…” and repeated it again. I could only nod my head. An old Indian or maybe Pakistani man next to me concurred, even showing me that I needed to get a transfer ticket. I felt like a real idiot. I was showing my side for living in the farms for too long, a slovenly looking country folk. Ironically my friends told me in the morning that I dressed and behaved like a city girl, I was “very city-wise”.

I struggled to transfer to the subway from the bus and took ground transportation again. I dashed to the China Town to buy roasted(no ed) ducks and Vietnamese breads. Actually they ran out of the ducks, so I bought some soya sauce chickens instead. The Chinese cake store already closed, it was already late. With all the stuff I bought in my hands, I thought it would be better to walk than riding the crowded buses. It took me about 40 minutes. I felt the blisters on my feet were bursting. What the heck, I must first eat “like a bird”.


两个小时在翻杂志和看风景中度过。飞机降落了我开始兴奋和有点紧张。兴奋的是终于到家了,紧张的是自己得坐公车回家,家里人忙木有来接。下机后我背着我的电脑tote bag拖着我的行李箱跟着指示往外走。出到大门,看见一大帮人好像在等车。看到远处一个穿制服的中年男我就奔他去,问:"请问我要坐公车回家,得在哪里等呀?” 他看了我一眼,还算友善的说:“down below, you need to go inside..." 然后他就扭头忙别的了。 我又往回走进了大门坐电梯往地面去。在电梯口处我看见一对华人老夫妇,听见那个阿姨用粤语说:“我们温哥华机场有中文的呀,简体和繁体都有,这里什么都么有”出得门来看见远处又一批人在哪里貌似等巴士,所以我就朝他们走过去。走了几步就看见一辆巴士呼啸而来,我就以200米冲刺的速度追那辆巴士。脚穿高跟鞋拖几十磅的行李竟然能跑出当年速度的80%,心想还没老呢,真好啊。终于追上了,我喘了口气问巴士司机:“你这巴士去地铁吗?” 这个中年男看着我眼睛坚定地说: “我们每辆巴士都去地铁,你得告诉我你要去哪里,我意思你不需要告诉我确实地址,你去哪一块吧?" 听这口气感觉城里银真NB,说句话都那么中气足,我说:“市中心啦”那你得等那XX号巴士了,他说。我说好吧就拖坐行李下车,可能是我一脸的惘然和眼中困惑另加一口“外地口音”的缘故,我下车一刚站好,司机就跟着下来了,他的神情语气貌似怕外来农村人口在大城市走给政府添麻烦的样子,他对我说:“那个XX号车就两分钟后到了。。。”然后又重复刚才的话。我唯唯诺诺,旁边一貌似印巴人的老先生还附和司机还示意我要拿转车票。我感觉自己真老土啊,在农村住久了就真是有样给人看的啊---一副土不拉吉农村人口的样子,好笑的是今天早上我朋友还说我穿着打扮look like a city girl, very city-wise 呢。

好不容易公车后转地铁然后是街车---一路杀去唐人街打算买烤鸭和越南面包,结果木有烤鸭就买了酱油鸡,唐人饼铺已经打烊,因为不早啦。 买好了东西想着拎着鸡和拖坐行李挤公车还不如走路呢,结果走了大概40分钟,回到家脚感觉脚已经冒泡了。不管了,先eat like a bird再说。


看来你和bmdn都是翻译界的老前辈。向二老学习。对了,酱油鸭很好吃,哈。 -youknowmyheart- 给 youknowmyheart 发送悄悄话 (96 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 17:38:25

LOL both bucks and ducks,and give me some colors to c c -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 17:47:36

Thank you! I am not 翻译界的老前辈:).. I wish -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (84 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 17:57:43

translation: 看来你和bmdn都是翻译界的老前辈。向二老学习。对了,酱油鸭很好吃,哈。 -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (430 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 20:20:19

的确地道英文。bmdn不在。否则真想问问bmdn前辈bmdn代表什么。 -youknowmyheart- 给 youknowmyheart 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 20:39:57

seniors -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 20:50:16

bmdn means seniors? Interesting. -youknowmyheart- 给 youknowmyheart 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 20:55:26

bmdn is a senior in translation, not me -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 21:12:35

I am a senior in talking things useless, way out in left field. -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (248 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 21:23:53

我很羡慕你们。我想知道bmdn这个id是不是什么的缩写 -youknowmyheart- 给 youknowmyheart 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 21:31:20

oh I no idea, I never invest my time to investigate IDs -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (390 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 05:10:59

if an Id is not being active -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (225 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 05:37:43

回复:的确地道英文。bmdn不在。否则真想问问bmdn前辈bmdn代表什么。 -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (477 bytes) () 05/26/2012 postreply 20:57:37

beat me down, by morning dawn, but must done -走马读人- 给 走马读人 发送悄悄话 走马读人 的博客首页 (23 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 05:12:09

前辈 translated into English. -bmdn- 给 bmdn 发送悄悄话 (84 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 08:16:01

北美大牛 -bmdn- 给 bmdn 发送悄悄话 (105 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 08:07:54

北美大牛very nice to meet you! I am 北美蜗牛 -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 08:12:10

nice to meet you. 只要感觉自己很牛就行 -bmdn- 给 bmdn 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 08:36:46

yes, no matter what kind of cow we are -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (224 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 09:08:28

oh, i thought it might be Mermuda News, -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (64 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 09:13:25

That's a really nice acronym -bmdn- 给 bmdn 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 09:41:34

哈哈 interesting。你真是大牛人。英语厉害。 -youknowmyheart- 给 youknowmyheart 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 10:42:02

我是有点老,但不是前辈 -bmdn- 给 bmdn 发送悄悄话 (89 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 08:05:24

wow,北美大牛,很牛!你的英语 -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (171 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 09:10:00

幸好我是属牛的,多谢了。 -bmdn- 给 bmdn 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 09:43:01

haha, 大牛的翻译真的不一般,快而且地道, -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (41 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 09:59:02

没多地说了,只能是谢谢了。 -bmdn- 给 bmdn 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 11:22:05

翻的绝妙,喜欢!你也是大牛。 -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (148 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 09:20:56

哈哈 谢谢你的讲解。因为我词汇量太少(没读过英文书),我只能想出这几个词。我要向你, -youknowmyheart- 给 youknowmyheart 发送悄悄话 (64 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 10:39:20

hi -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (172 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 10:48:40

哈哈,你记忆力真好。好,我也要读英文书。和人我比不了,和猪我还不能比吗?:) -youknowmyheart- 给 youknowmyheart 发送悄悄话 (48 bytes) () 05/27/2012 postreply 12:05:47
