只给New Voice Mei Mei的哦,呵护有加呀。

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回答: 夏日遐(瞎)想NewVoice2012-05-08 15:58:02




Summer is on the way; I am awaiting it with impatience. Summer is my best season: it is traveling to a different place, or swimming in the ocean; summer is everything good to eat; it was a thousand colors in a parched landscape; but most of all. summer is reading books.




Summer is on its way and I'm impatiently waiting for it to come. It's the best season: traveling to different places, swimming in the ocean, eating everything good, and reading great books. Summer brings a thousand colors into a previously parched landscape.


Wow! 改得真好!谢谢!已加到原文。 -NewVoice- 给 NewVoice 发送悄悄话 NewVoice 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/09/2012 postreply 02:48:08
