Thanks! YuGong. A fun exercise!

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回答: 五百基础词汇的使用和练习(20)EnLearner2012-02-05 20:26:38

01. If we do not do something about pollution. we may (perish) from this earth.

02. The (jagged) edge of that sheet of metal is very dangerous.

03. We were held (captive) by the sinister enemy for ten days.

04. The bank teller's (crafty) plan to steal a million dollars didn't succed.

05. I like to (linger) on until everyone else has left the theatre.

06. My parents taught me not to be (defiant) of authority.

07. Did (ambush) the of the Lebanese soldiers fail?

08. Business persons can (prosper) if they are honest with their customers.

09. A new star has just (emerged) from the rock music world.

10. I can (devour) a steak in two minutes when I am hungry.

11. With a surprising show of (vigor), the old woman swam up and down the pool six times!

12. A lack of calcium in Tyrone's diet caused his bones to be quite (fragile).


You got all the correct answers. Glad to see you back! -EnLearner- 给 EnLearner 发送悄悄话 EnLearner 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/06/2012 postreply 20:54:22
