支持活动:Tips to show your photos/pictures

来源: EnLearner 2012-01-30 21:28:23 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4298 bytes)
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I saw some people have their pictures uploaded to tinypic.com. The disadvange of this approach is that you have no control on your pictures. Other people can download or save your picture etc. A different approach is to upload your picture to a photo sharing website like picturetrail or photobucket. You will be able to control your pictures uploaded to your account. You can make a slideshow using the pictures you uploaded and hide the URLs of your pictures when you post your slideshow here at the forum.

Here are the procedures that I used to create slideshows at picturetrail, the same procedures that I used to create the slideshows for our documents of appreciation (奖状).

1. Go to http://www.picturetrail.com
2. Sign up to create an account with picturetrail if you don't have one. Signup is free.
3. Logon to your account.
4. Upload photos to your photo albumn(s). If you don't have any photo album, you can create one.
5. You can then get the URLs of your photos or create slide showes using your photos.
6. If you are to create a slide show. You can easily choose from a variet of skins, borders, backgrounds, and effect.
7. Save your slide show and get code. Copy the code to your blog and your slide show is added to your web page.
8. You can edit or delete your photos/slideshowes any time.

Below are the three slideshows that I created using the same two pictures. I can logon to my picturetrail account to delete/add/replace photo in the slide show any time I want.

Acrobat Cube:


Rotating Glass:

You can find a list of photo sharing websites at wikipedia.com.
The URL is as follows: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_photo_sharing_websites


谢谢愚公!收藏! -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 beautifulwind 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2012 postreply 21:37:56

不用谢。 -EnLearner- 给 EnLearner 发送悄悄话 EnLearner 的博客首页 (92 bytes) () 01/30/2012 postreply 21:49:28

谢谢愚公,太有帮助了。 -bingli- 给 bingli 发送悄悄话 bingli 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2012 postreply 12:56:26

Great! Looking forward to seeing your pictures. -EnLearner- 给 EnLearner 发送悄悄话 EnLearner 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2012 postreply 21:26:00



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