
来源: jennea 2011-08-02 20:22:06 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1685 bytes)
回答: translationjennea2011-08-02 18:16:12

On Etiquette

Etiquette to society is what apparel is to the individual.  Without apparel, men would go in shameful nudity, which would surely lead to the corruption of morals, and without etiquette, society would be in a pitiable state, and necessary intercourse between its members would be interfered with by the needless offences and troubles. If society were a train, the etiquette would be the rails along with only the train could rumble forth. If society were a estate coach, the etiquette would be the wheels and axles on which only the coach could roll forward. The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turn to be the most decided enemies, and the friendly or allied countries declare war against each other. We can find many examples in the history of mankind. Therefore, I advise you to stand on ceremony before anyone else and to make pains not to do anything against etiquette less you give offences or make enemies.



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