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回答: 能看懂的举手lol猫狗大战2018-01-22 14:57:17

Clearly an impressionist. (这个和后期点彩画派有关)

•These galleries are only in it for the monet (money)
•Of course, but when you've gone once you never need to Gauguin.(go again)
•Van Gogh for that (we go for that)
•Of Norman Wisdom.(一个comedian,idiot的代名词)
•You lot will Cezanne (Seize on) any opportunity to make a terrible pun...
•You may think so - however he does seem to be quite the little Manet.(Monet同时期的画家作品之一吹笛子的男孩)
•de Goya (did you) have a problem with terrible puns?
•Must you Turner (风景画出名,turn) into a joke?
•Call a Constable(policeman,同时是画家名字), quick!
•He Shouldn't have Turner (turn) round
•The curator's exclamation: Oh, Pollocks!(poor lucks)
•See what you've started? Now there are far too Manet(同上) puns.
•I think they should keep him out of Brahms (composer) way.
(Did I do it right?)
•Well, you wouldn't want him to dilly-dali, now, would you?
•Bet he feels a right picassole now (毕加索, pic-ass-hole,嘎,哈哈)



原来你要猜的是这个 -fitgirl- 给 fitgirl 发送悄悄话 fitgirl 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2018 postreply 15:05:33

哈哈哈。。。 -菜农123- 给 菜农123 发送悄悄话 菜农123 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2018 postreply 16:04:36
