Be my guest

来源: 动京城 2012-01-02 06:06:23 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (8802 bytes)
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My hu*****and loves holiday parties. He was supposed to go back to China at this time, but changed his mind to go back in February, and host some parties at home. I am not very crazy about too much social life. While one of the reason is that I don’t like to cook, and more prefer a restaurant dinner. He likes to invite friends, so they can drink, play cards, and sing karaoke until midnight. Nothing is wrong with that, only if I can get some help in the kitchen.

It was Dec 31st, last day of 2011, and I was asked from an old friend from China to translate his son’s personal statement for registration to University of Waterloo. I started English blog some time ago, just wanted to get some practice in English writing, and gain a good reputation of my English proficiency. I would love to do this, as I still have a passion for translating.

After finish translating, I have asked my son to review, and I went out for grocery shopping for the party at night. I was hoping he could learn something from the article, and when I asked him about the translation, he said it was full of grammar mistakes. I was shocked, and asked him to give me some examples. He said first of all, you have used all present tense for the past, and then there were lots of Chinese style expression, which was weird to him. I went back to computer to read his revision, and had to admit that his writing was better, in terms of vocabulary choice and sentence structure. Here are some examples.

Agent’s translation: In 11th grade, my hobby had finally got the chance to display.
My son’s version: In grade 11, my passion had finally paid off.    

Agent’s translation: my fellow team members have gone through fierce competition and finally we won the Bronze Award.
My son’s version: We had fierce competition that we were able to vanquish under my leadership. We came out triumphantly winning the Bronze Award. 

我的偶像是乔布斯、比尔盖茨,是那些通过自身的不懈努力和创造发明来改变世界、让人类生活更加美好的榜样。我渴望成为这样的人, 我深知任何成功都充满了失败和挫折,但我不会畏惧

Agent’s translation: I wish I could have the ability to innovate advanced invention to benefit human being, to participate in creating simple life, just like my idols-Steven Jobs and Bill Gates. However I understand that I still have long way to go on the road of achieving my dream, and if there is any difficulty that is blocking my way I shall overcome it through learning

My son’s version:  I wish to follow in example of my idols Steve Jobs and Bill Gates whom have changed the world through their tireless effort and innovation. I know that with success come a lot of failures and setbacks; however I am resilient and strong.

This also reminds me of the translation I did for church pledge form.

請各位弟兄姊妹按著各人的感動, 在十一奉獻之外 甘心樂意的為擴堂認獻
My translation: At your Will and Inspiration, Please Support by Offering Outside of Tithe
Pastor’s revision: In addition to my tithing, I (we) cheerfully give under GOD’s prompting 

I think the fundamental difference is that I translate it directly, by only replacing the word, but didn’t know the true message that the original sentence wanted to deliver, and my limitation of expressing the meaning in another language precisely.

While I was working on this, my guests came one after another, and I haven’t prepared any food yet. The beauty of this party was we cooked all together chatting and laughing. Who cares about the food, it is wonderful we spent time together at dinner table, shared our story for the year. One of the friends, whom we only meet once a year is a song writer, but stopped writing after came to Canada. I always love his vocal, and we had fun time singing a duet. I asked him to write a song about our immigration life by the end of the year, and he delightfully agreed.

Please, friends, be my guest, and let's have some fun again in new year!

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    有趣的party, 你的儿子真不错,祝你全家新年快乐。 -祤湫霖- 给 祤湫霖 发送悄悄话 祤湫霖 的博客首页 (216 bytes) () 01/02/2012 postreply 06:40:17

    儿子比自己强总是好,也祝你新年好! -动京城- 给 动京城 发送悄悄话 动京城 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/02/2012 postreply 07:38:36



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