
来源: 美坛奇葩 2011-08-14 15:37:53 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1177 bytes)
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make a packet 是不是赚了不少钱的意思?先谢了。

The popular presenter, who has made a packet from his crisps representation, will no longer be the centre of attention thanks to the change of approach adopted by PepsiCo - the company's American owners.


“Packet” means a large amount of money.

You are very rich if you have made a packet.  

By the way, find out the Chinese phrase the “Google translate” gives you for “made a packet”.


美坛奇葩,久违了,问好,新周快乐。 -斓婷- 给 斓婷 发送悄悄话 斓婷 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2011 postreply 08:01:06

Thank you! -美坛奇葩- 给 美坛奇葩 发送悄悄话 美坛奇葩 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/16/2011 postreply 09:19:25

谢谢您的解答。 -wxcfgh85- 给 wxcfgh85 发送悄悄话 wxcfgh85 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/18/2011 postreply 15:39:00



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