儿歌:The Tale of the Sun and the Moon(视频)

来源: 紫君 2010-12-30 08:33:57 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2451 bytes)

Song: The Tale of the Sun and the Moon

The Sun was in his bathing suit. The Moon in her pajamas.
They played all day until the two were called in by their mamas.
The Sun went home and climbed in bed. His mama sang a tune.
And soon the Sun was fast asleep and dreaming of the Moon.
The Moon decided not to go. Instead she stayed outside.
She danced and played and laughed and sang, til she was sleepy-eyed.

When morning came, the Sun arose and went outside to play.
But could not find his friend, the Moon, who slept inside all day.
So now these two are best of friends apart by dark and light.
The Sun turns in at evenfall. The Moon comes out at night.
The shining Moon sees no sunlight. The Sun sees no
But when they both are fast asleep, they're in each others dreams

  • 教育:New Science Websites for Children (音频)
  • 美学:Of the Standard of Taste节选 作者:David Hume
  • 美学:Of the Standard of Taste 作者:David Hume
  • 英语书籍:The Triangle Of Truth 节选(2)
  • 英语书籍:The Triangle Of Truth 节选(3)
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