hollows in the eyes
furrows in the brow
grooves in the heart
o, how far can i go?

coffee, tea and milk
butter, bread and rice
mutton, fish and soup
but none replaces love


诗人别叹息。"Tomorrow is another day." -纾珈- 给 纾珈 发送悄悄话 纾珈 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2010 postreply 22:04:03

还没休息呢? tomorrow here we will have a clear sky -不会起名- 给 不会起名 发送悄悄话 (97 bytes) () 07/12/2010 postreply 22:34:19

Good night. -纾珈- 给 纾珈 发送悄悄话 纾珈 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2010 postreply 22:45:20

回复: -美坛奇葩- 给 美坛奇葩 发送悄悄话 美坛奇葩 的博客首页 (143 bytes) () 07/13/2010 postreply 07:31:13

回复:回复: -不会起名- 给 不会起名 发送悄悄话 (36 bytes) () 07/14/2010 postreply 20:22:41
