Now I am a fan of this program too~ :)

来源: lilac09 2010-06-14 07:28:42 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1596 bytes)
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It is an excellent program to improve listening comprehension and catch up with the news.

While I was listening, I jotted down a list of words/phrases I am interested in from the video clip.

Yes, it cost me more than 40 min precious morning time, but it’s totally worth it.

Don’t have much time to watch news to be in sync with what’s currently going on in the world. Or put it that I’ m not that much into political stuff. But I think at least I can watch this once a week.

Enlearner, keep posting this, please. Appreciate the video clip you provided, especially the tran, very helpful. Good job!

Part of my word list to share with whoever is insterested:

escrow account : 第三者保管账户
rehabilitate image: restore image
in sync with: 与……同步
hold ***** accountable in appropriate way: 用适当的方式让某人负责
be held to account
accountability: 有责任,有义务
vast, unaccountable bureaucracies
scandal-ridden regulatory agency: 丑闻缠身的监管机构
crack down : 采取严厉措施,
lag behind
hoarding cash: 囤积现金
government infused phony recovery: 政府灌输的假复苏
anemic: 贫血的 there's been some sign of recovery, but it's really anemic
show valor and strength in the field
safe habor
safe haven: 港口; 安全地方
outpost: 前哨
anti-establishment sentiment: 反建制的情绪
anti- Washington sentiment: 反政府情绪
hate to rain on sth
can we expect you to buck your party: buck顽强抵抗; 强烈反对
out-of- control government that is taxing too much, spending too much and borrowing too much.


回复:Now I am a fan of this program too~ :) -selfselfself- 给 selfselfself 发送悄悄话 selfselfself 的博客首页 (835 bytes) () 06/14/2010 postreply 12:02:42

See, Classmate Self, you got it.~ -lilac09- 给 lilac09 发送悄悄话 lilac09 的博客首页 (752 bytes) () 06/14/2010 postreply 12:55:16

I tried one paragraph, there were a lot -selfselfself- 给 selfselfself 发送悄悄话 selfselfself 的博客首页 (1936 bytes) () 06/14/2010 postreply 15:12:07

That's ture~ -lilac09- 给 lilac09 发送悄悄话 lilac09 的博客首页 (450 bytes) () 06/14/2010 postreply 17:08:14

self, i -戏雨飞鹰- 给 戏雨飞鹰 发送悄悄话 戏雨飞鹰 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/14/2010 postreply 13:19:13

Mr. self, I am very interested in the recovery issue you mention -戏雨飞鹰- 给 戏雨飞鹰 发送悄悄话 戏雨飞鹰 的博客首页 (778 bytes) () 06/14/2010 postreply 13:24:23

I saw it a couple of time that you wrote"....., that...." like -deepwoods- 给 deepwoods 发送悄悄话 (151 bytes) () 06/14/2010 postreply 17:15:37

That's great! I am sure I will learn a lot from you. -EnLearner- 给 EnLearner 发送悄悄话 EnLearner 的博客首页 (105 bytes) () 06/14/2010 postreply 20:32:19



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