
来源: 水中捞月 2010-02-07 08:18:44 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1319 bytes)
We are now living in an era full of collective widsdom and an era deeply affected with Incorrect reasoning as well.(我们生活在真知灼见的年代,也生活在谬论百出的年代。)
Here is an example:You prefer driving a car to taking a walk even if the destination is only a few hundred of meters with no hurry at all and you know that walking is absulutely good for your health. All in your mind is that "why bother to take a walk while I can go by car?". Actually, driving just does nothing good for you. As a matter of fact, you are growing a convex belly day by day. (例如:明知走路有益健康,但有车一定得坐,哪怕几百米路又不赶时间也非坐不可。心里想的就是“不坐白不坐”,其实“坐了也白坐”——你的小腹已日甚一日外凸了。)
Take the riding elevator for another example: you'd rather just wait for the elevator to give you a couple of floors' ride no matter how long it may takes for the elevator to come to get you either form the top of the building or from the base of the buidling. All you think is "why I have to climb the stairs while the elevator is available?" as though you might get suffered when you stretch your legs on the stairs, without realizing what really suffered is your own health(乘电梯也如此,上下一两层楼宁愿久等上上下下。“有电梯凭什么要走?”仿佛这一走就吃了亏,没想到最终吃亏的还是自己的身体。)


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