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-able. a. == inclined to be;likely to be doneacceptable 可接受的readable 可读(认)的adaptable 可适应的
-age. n. == the action,result or state ofshortage 缺乏,短缺reportage 报告文学parentage 出身,门第
-al. n. == the action of,the person ofrefusal 拒绝proposal 建议approval 认可
criminal 犯罪分子rival 竞争者arrival 到达者
-al. a. == inclined to be;connected with;pertaining tocolonial 殖民的natural 自然的political 政治的
-ed.[过去分词作定语] == 1)filled with;having the characteristics of. 2)done byspirited(heated) argument 热烈的讨论honeyed word 甜言蜜语distracted 心情纷乱
-ee. n. == one who receivestestee 考生,被测验者trainee 运动员,受训练的人payee 受款人
-er/-ar/-ur/-eer/-ier. n. == doer;device forfighter 战士,战斗机radar 雷达pioneer 先锋队员
-ic/ical. a. == relating to;resemblingscenic 风景的geometric 几何的geographical 地理的
-ess/ine. n. == femaleactress 女演员heroine 女英雄mayoress 女市长
-ful. a. == full ofhandful 一把,一撮mouthful 一口cupful 一满杯
-fy. v. == make;reinforceintensify 强化,加强purify 净化clarify 澄清
-hood. n. == condition;statechildhood 儿童期brotherhood 手足之情bachelorhood 独身生活
-ile. a. == likely to behostile 敌意的fragile 易碎的versatile 多才多艺的
-ility. n. == quality offeasibility 可行的servility 奴性,卑屈mobility 易动的
-ing. a. == having the quality ofdisturbing 令人不安的surprising 令人吃惊的encouraging 振奋人心的
-ion/ation. n. == action of;process ofindication 指示relaxation 放松perfection 完美无缺
-ish. a. == having the quality ofchildish 幼稚的bookish 书生气的devilish 魔鬼似的
-ism. n. == doctrine;beliefcapitalism 资本主义adventurism 冒险主义opportunism 机会主义
-ist. n. == 1)believer in. 2)expert ofromanticist 浪漫主义作家economist 经济学家nationalist 民族主义者
-istic. a. == full ofrealistic 现实的artistic 艺术的humanistic 人道的
-ive. a. == inclined to;having the quality ofinstructive 有教育意义的offensive 进攻性的constructive 建设性的
-ize. v. == make or cause to becomerealize 实现organize 组织popularize 普及,推广
finalize 使...了结economize 节省,节约industrialize 工业化
-less. a. == withoutjobless 失业的tireless 不倦的countless 数不清的
-let. n. == littlebooklet 小册子townlet 小镇houselet 小房子
-like. a. == having the quality ofchildlike 孩子般的warlike 好战的businesslike 事务式的有条理的
-logy/-ology. n. == study ofsociology 社会学ecology 生态学methodology 方法论
-ment. n. == 1)result of. 2)agency of. 3)state ofimprovement 改良,进步government 政府disappointment 失望
-ness. n. == condition or quality of beingeagerness 渴望carelessness 粗心emptiness 空洞,空虚
-ous/-ious. a. having the quality offamous 著名的advantageous 有优势的,有利的mysterious 神秘的
-ship. n. == state offriendship 友谊partnership 合作伙伴fellowship 交情,伙伴关系
-some. a. == full ofburdensome 累赘的,沉重的troublesome 麻烦的laboursome 费力的
-ty. n. == condition of beingsecurity 保险safety 安全loyalty 忠诚
-ure. n. == 1)act or fact of. 2)result of beingculture 培养failure 失败closure 圈地
-y. a. == full ofclumsy 笨拙的tricky 狡猾的hairy 毛茸茸的