白雲頌 Ode to White Clouds

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啊﹐白雲﹐清麗的白雲﹐ Ah, white clouds, pretty white clouds,
像一片悠然的白帆﹐ Like a leisurely white sail,
漂浮在藍天之下﹐ Floating under the azure sky,
沐浴著金色的陽光。 Basking in the golden sunlight.
妳自由自在﹐ You so carefree,
漫遊在天際。 Roaming at the verge of the sky.
妳無拘無束﹐ You so glad at ease,
翱翔在高空。 Hovering high in the air.
妳飄呀飄﹐ You wafting and wafting
飄向海天相吻之處。 To where heaven kissing the sea.

啊﹐白雲﹐純潔的白雲﹐ Ah, white clouds, pure white clouds,
像個身穿紗禮服的新娘﹐ Like a bride in a gauze wedding dress,
在碧空下翩翩起舞。 Dancing under the blue sky;
妳姿態美妙﹐ Your pose so graceful,
瀟灑悠雅﹐ So lovely and beautiful,
緩緩步向那高峰禮台之旁。Walking slowly to that peak of the wedding dais.

啊﹐白雲﹐悠悠的白雲﹐ Ah, white clouds, elegant white clouds,
像一隻湖面上的白天鵝﹐ Like a white swan on the lake,
憩息在碧波之上。 Resting on the emerald ripples.
妳沉靜如處子﹐ You so demure like a virgin,
亮麗如靚女。 So charming like a damsel,
像天使般地滑行在日邊。 Like an angel gliding at the side of the sun.

啊﹐白雲﹐靜靜的白雲﹐ Ah, white clouds, quiet white clouds,
像一朵蓬鬆的棉絮﹐ Like a bank of fluffy cotton,
懸遊在湛藍的晴空。 Hanging in the sapphire sunny sky.
妳載沉載浮﹐ You slightly undulating,
輕輕蕩漾。 Gently rocking.
妳躺在微風的懷裡﹐ You lie in the embrace of the breeze
搖曳生姿。 Posturing adorably.

啊﹐白雲﹐多姿的白雲。 Ah, white clouds, multi-posed white clouds,
妳變幻莫測﹐ You so unpredictable.
千形百態。 So changeable in form.
妳幻成蒼狗﹐ You now in the shape of a dog,
幻成蛟龍。 Now transforming into a dragon.
妳聚而為白蓮﹐ You now gathering as a white lotus,
散而為綺霞。 Now scattering as afterglow.

啊﹐白雲﹐親愛的白雲﹐ Ah, white clouds, dear white clouds,
請把我負在妳背上﹐ Let me ride on your back, please,
遨遊四海﹐ Traveling over the four seas,
去到大地的邊界﹐ To the edge of the good earth.
去到長天的盡頭。 To the end of the vast sky.
我仰望日月星辰﹐ I look up at the sun, the moon, and stars.
我俯視洋洲山川。 I overlook oceans, mountains and rivers.
我引吭高歌﹐ I sing at the top of my voice,
與天籟氣機相接。 My breath linking the ether of the universe.
我身心消融﹐ My body and heart
與白雲化為一體 Melting into white clouds.


Piano: Endless Blue Sky -紫君- 给 紫君 发送悄悄话 紫君 的博客首页 (1983 bytes) () 12/16/2009 postreply 07:04:29

逸士真棒! -戏雨飞鹰- 给 戏雨飞鹰 发送悄悄话 戏雨飞鹰 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/16/2009 postreply 12:22:49
