
来源: lilac09 2009-11-05 17:25:12 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1562 bytes)
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回答: 俺88看美剧,学英语。lilac092009-11-05 14:19:26
I don’t watch much thrillers like Cold case or CSI. They are far away from the daily life and you will be easily carried away by the breath-taking plots to focus on the language learning. They are fun to watch as entertainment, but for learning English, pick talk shows and sitcoms, they are all around daily stuff. They will teach you how to debate, reason and think in American way.

I always watch sitcoms at dinnertime, at least half an hour a day. Once in a while, do an intensive watching, jot down some sentences or idioms I catch from the show while I am watching. It is always a good idea to turn on the caption if you find it is hard to follow. Listen as much as possible and look at the caption only when you really do not understand. Sometimes, I even go online to read up the scripts to figure out what I have missed while watching.

If my job is to deal with customers or patients, I will have many chances to use those idioms or phrases. But as a system administrator who used to be a programmer, I hole up in my cubicle all day by myself. All my co-workers are Indians. I don’t expect to improve my English with them very much. So odds are not on my side.

That is the reason I like to write some articles or answer some questions here in English to sharpen what I have learned. (You are also doing the same thing here, right? :))

In daily life, if I get any chance, no matter it is to attend my son’s teacher-parent session at school or to take him to see the doctor, I will try to practice it as much as I can.


yeah, I used this forum to practice my writing -englishreader- 给 englishreader 发送悄悄话 (270 bytes) () 11/05/2009 postreply 17:40:58



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