回复:Don't quite agree, but

来源: lilac09 2009-09-12 22:05:19 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (679 bytes)
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回答: self同鞋, 俺来discuss, discusslilac092009-09-12 20:59:08
Just make reading part of your language study, which won't prevent you from picking things up from other channels. You can watch sitcoms, talkshows, talk with the daycare center teacher of your kids, and attend community activities, foreign friends' parties, etc. I believe you are doing all of these now. Your reading is already very good.

I just treat reading book more like the anchor of my English study here, which make me feel steady and give me that you-are-growing-everyday feeling. What's more, it is also a very good way to connect with the friends here in this forum. Hope you can find your best way of learning. Every way leads to Rome. Wish you good luck.


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