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Water Margin From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh or All Men Are Brothers or The Marshes of Mount Liang (traditional Chinese: 水滸傳; simplified Chinese: 水浒传; pinyin: Shuǐhǔ Zhuàn) is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. Attributed to Shi Naian, whom some believe to be Luo Guanzhong, the novel details the trials and tribulations of 108 outlaws during the mid Song Dynasty. Outline of chapters The opening episode is the release of the 108 spirits. The next chapter describes the rise of Gao Qiu, the main antagonist of the 108. Then follow the stories of different outlaws. At first the story may seem like separate stories, which, in a sense, they were. The connections were very vague between characters. But the story eventually comes together by Chapter 40 or so, during the exile and rescue of Song Jiang, who becomes the head of 108 outlaws. Once the main characters gather on the Mount Liang on the marsh, the story goes on with the conflicts with the Song dynasty, while Song Jiang keeps showing his loyalty to the emperor. After winning battles against the imperial forces, the outlaws are offered amnesty and invited by the emperor to become an official army, which Song Jiang willingly accepts. Gao Qiu, not being happy with them, sends them out to fight against the enemies of the dynasty, and finally we will see the tragic ending. The following outline of chapters is based on a 100-chapter edition. Yang's 120-chapter edition includes other campaigns of the outlaws on behalf of Song dynasty, while Jin's 70-chapter edition omits the chapters on the outlaws' acceptance of amnesty and following campaigns. Chapter Event 1 Marshal Hong Releases the 108 Spirits. 2 The rise of Gao Qiu. 2–3 The story of Shi Jin. 3–7 The story of Lu Zhishen. 7–12 The story of Lin Chong. 12–13 The story of Yang Zhi. 13–20 The robbing of the birthday gifts led by Chao Gai and the "original 7". 20–22 The story of Song Jiang. 23–32 The story of Wu Song. 32–35 The story of Hua Rong. 36–43 The exile and rescue of Song Jiang. 44–47 The story of Shi Xiu and Yang Xiong. 47–50 The three assaults on the Zhu Family Village. 51–52 The story of Lei Heng and Zhu Tong. 53–55 The outlaws attack Gaotangzhou; the search for Gongsun Sheng. 55–57 The first imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh (led by Huyuan Zhuo). 57–59 The outlaws attack Qingzhou. 59–60 The outlaws attack Mount Mangdang. 60 The first assault on the Zeng Family Village; the death of Chao Gai. 60–67 The story of Lu Junyi; the outlaws attack Damingfu; the second imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh (led by Guan Sheng). 67 The third imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh (led by Shan Ting-gui and Wei Ding-guo). 68 The second assault on the Zeng Family Village. 69–70 The outlaws attack Dongpingfu and Dongchangfu. 71–74 The 108 heroes are fully assembled; the funny and lethal antics of Li Kui. 75–78 The Emperor offers amnesty the first time; the fourth imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh. 78–80 The fifth imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh (led by Gao Qiu). 81–82 The outlaws are granted complete amnesty. 83–89 The outlaws attack the Liao Tatars. 90–99 The outlaws attack the southern rebels (Fang La). 100 The tragic dissolution of the outlaws of the Marsh. The extended version adds the Liangshan Marsh bandits' expeditions against other noted rebel leaders, Tian Hu in Hebei and Wang Qing in Szechuan, prior to the campaign against Fang La. 水滸傳 維基百科,自由的百科全書 《水滸傳》是中國歷史上第一部用白話文寫成的章回小說,被後人歸為中國古典四大文學名著之一。其內容講述梁山泊以宋江為首的強盜集團,由被迫落草,發展壯大,直至受到朝廷招安,東征西討的歷程。又名《忠義水滸傳》,初名《江湖豪客傳》,一般簡稱《水滸》,作於元末明初。作者歷來有爭議,一般認為是施耐庵所著,羅貫中做了一定的整理工作。在中國大陸一度被定性為農民起義小說。 人物 水滸一百單八將 三十六天罡星 1 宋江 2 盧俊義 3 吳用 4 公孫勝 5 關勝 6 林沖 7 秦明 8 呼延灼 9 花榮 10 柴進 11 李應 12 朱仝 13 魯智深 14 武松 15 董平 16 張清 17 楊志 18 徐寧 19 索超 20 戴宗 21 劉唐 22 李逵 23 史進 24 穆弘 25 雷橫 26 李俊 27 阮小二 28 張橫 29 阮小五 30 張順 31 阮小七 32 楊雄 33 石秀 34 解珍 35 解寶 36 燕青 七十二地煞星 37 朱武 38 黃信 39 孫立 40 宣贊 41 郝思文 42 韓滔 43 彭玘 44 單廷珪 45 魏定國 46 蕭讓 47 裴宣 48 歐鵬 49 鄧飛 50 燕順 51 楊林 52 凌振 53 蔣敬 54 呂方 55 郭盛 56 安道全 57 皇甫端 58 王英 59 扈三娘 60 鮑旭 61 樊瑞 62 孔明 63 孔亮 64 項充 65 李袞 66 金大堅 67 馬麟 68 童威 69 童猛 70 孟康 71 侯健 72 陳達 73 楊春 74 鄭天壽 75 陶宗旺 76 宋清 77 樂和 78 龔旺 79 丁得孫 80 穆春 81 曹正 82 宋萬 83 杜遷 84 薛永 85 李忠 86 周通 87 湯隆 88 杜興 89 鄒淵 90 鄒潤 91 朱貴 92 朱富 93 施恩 94 蔡福 95 蔡慶 96 李立 97 李雲 98 焦挺 99 石勇 100 孫新 101 顧大嫂 102 張青 103 孫二娘 104 王定六 105 郁保四 106 白勝 107 時遷 108 段景住 影響和藝術價值 作為中國歷史上,第一部以白話文寫成的長篇小說,《水滸傳》對後世的影響是巨大的。 《水滸傳》被改編成多種曲藝形式。另一篇古典名著《紅樓夢》中就提到了「魯智深大鬧五台山」的曲目。評書、蘇州評彈和山東快書都有很多經典節目是取材自《水滸傳》。 與《三國演義》相比,《水滸傳》的長處不在於政治和戰爭場面的描寫,而在於主要人物的刻畫和市民生活的描寫。其中梁山主要人物宋江、林沖、武松、魯智深、李逵等,人物個性鮮明,角色語言各有特色。 在缺乏知識以及大眾娛樂活動的年代,《水滸傳》與《三國演義》等通俗小說往往就通過民間藝人,以戲曲曲藝的形式,成為了普通民眾僅有的文化活動。其中虛構的人物或者虛構的故事變成為了老百姓眼中的史實。其中很多故事,如「魯智深倒拔垂楊柳」,「武松打虎」等,歷來為男女老少所津津樂道。 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B0%B4%E6%B5%92%E4%BC%A0#.E4.BA.BA.E7.89.A9 ******************************************************************************************
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