周末一笑: Dinner's ready(ZT)

本帖于 2016-09-17 13:07:47 时间, 由普通用户 南山松 编辑

1 晚餐准备好了/Dinner's ready

My cooking has always been the target of family jokes. One evening, as I prepared dinner a bit too quickly, the kitchen filled with smoke and the smoke detector went off. Although both of my children had received fire-safety training at school, they did not respond to the alarm. Annoyed, I stormed through the house in search of them. 

I found them in the bathroom, washing their hands. Over the loud buzzing of the smoke alarm, I asked them to identify the sound. 

"It's the smoke detector," they replied in unison. 

"Do you know what that sound means?" I demanded. 

"Sure," my oldest replied. "Dinner's ready." 






2 妈妈的报复/Mother's revenge

After two weeks of Air Force basic training. I called home. "You wouldn't believe how strict they are," I complained. "They even give demerits for things like not hanging your towel straight or not tightening the cap of your toothpaste properly."

"Well, dear," my mom responded, "don't think of it as basic training. Think of it as Mother's revenge."



3 回应/Response

Frequent hand-washing in my job as a medical technologist and the harsh Alaskan weather combined to give me very dry skin. One night as I prepared for bed, I rubbed my hands with petroleum jelly and covered them with a pair of old white gloves.

As I sat in bed reading a book with my gloves on, my husband finished showering and came into the room. Drying himself off, he went to the closet, selected a tie and began putting it on.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Well," he replied, "if you're going to be formal, so am I."





4 我写的/I wrote

One of the guests turned to a man by his side to criticize the singing of the woman who was trying to entertain them.

"What a terrible voice! Do you know who she is?" 

"Yes," was the answer. "She's my wife." 

"Oh, I beg your pardon. Of course, it isn't her voice, really. It's the stuff she has to sing. I wonder who wrote that awful song." 

"I did," was the answer. 





5 迟到的原因/The Reason of Being Late

Teacher: Johnny, why are you late for school every morning?

Johnny: Every time I come to the corner, a guidepost says, 'School -- Go Slow'.



6 杯水救火灾

Once, late at night, an Englishman came out of his room into the corridor of a hotel and asked the servant to bring him a glass of water.
The servant did as he was asked. The Englishman re-entered his room, but a few minutes later he came into the corridor again and once more asked the servant for a glass of water. The servant brought him another glass of water. Every few minutes the Englishmen would come out of his room and repeat his request.
After a half-hour the astonished servant decided to ask the Englishman what he was doing with the water. Nothing, the Englishman answered imperturbably, "It’s simply that my room is on fire. "



杯水车薪. -走马读人- 给 走马读人 发送悄悄话 走马读人 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/16/2016 postreply 17:41:10

是,难得人家不慌不忙~ 走马读人,周末快乐! -南山松- 给 南山松 发送悄悄话 南山松 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/16/2016 postreply 17:54:07

#2 "demerit"不是“提出过分的要求”,而是类似中文里的“记过”,比如 -rancho2008- 给 rancho2008 发送悄悄话 (377 bytes) () 09/16/2016 postreply 21:28:16

是的. 原译者没有直译这个词,TA是根据上下文意译的.这样的意译可以接受吧? -南山松- 给 南山松 发送悄悄话 南山松 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2016 postreply 07:41:01

意译一般适用在无法直译或直译会造成误解的 -rancho2008- 给 rancho2008 发送悄悄话 (1036 bytes) () 09/17/2016 postreply 11:37:41

知道了,那我改一下.谢谢rancho, 周末快乐! -南山松- 给 南山松 发送悄悄话 南山松 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2016 postreply 13:01:21

又见周末笑话。谢谢松松。周末快乐! -井龙和- 给 井龙和 发送悄悄话 井龙和 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2016 postreply 07:21:32

问好井龙和,周末快乐! -南山松- 给 南山松 发送悄悄话 南山松 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2016 postreply 07:41:53

赞松松风雨不改给美坛带来笑声,:))喜欢这样的讨论。 -小贝壳weed- 给 小贝壳weed 发送悄悄话 小贝壳weed 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2016 postreply 11:04:52

谢谢小贝壳鼓励, rancho 的留言总是让人受益匪浅.小贝壳,新周快乐! -南山松- 给 南山松 发送悄悄话 南山松 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2016 postreply 17:56:02
