You maybe overreacting a little bit.

回答: 我是不是该反抗了, 我都快成祥林嫂了prepared2015-05-19 18:09:12

If I understand it correctly, she is here alone for 3 month to help you with kid. If all day everyday she only interacts with a little kid, she is going to feel very lonely, which explains why she cuts into your conversation with your husband. She wants some interaction with intelligent adults and she can only get it from the two of you.

Another thing I learned working in US is always to try to interpret other's intention in a positive way, especially at home. Your mother-in-law may have lots of issues, but she is still your family and she is here to help you. If you can think positively and be more forgiving and be more appreciative of her help, it'll make your life easier.

There are ways to make your relationship better with her, like buying small gifts once in a while, flowers, fashion jewelry and even clothes. I used to do that for my mother-in-law and it worked great. I think my mother-in-law liked me more than her son. At least when I go back to China to visit my in-laws, their entire family are very nice to me.


She is not helping me with the kid at all, not before and not no -prepared- 给 prepared 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/20/2015 postreply 09:15:41
