
关于我在disney orland的度假房的事情,

the indian guy with his family and family friend, 8 people totally lived there in all the days. He complained to my property manager for no hot water, A/C problem..., and my property manager ordered the professional services respectively, and all the services professionals stated that the hot water and A/C all perfect. I have the proof. I also paid the trip fees for those professionals.

The important thing NOW is How to get the money back from his cancelled credit card payments. Please help.

上次我说的那个住在 edison,NJ 的印度房客,天天无故找碴,让我损失惨重,不仅如此,他回家后,竟然又dispute credit card, 把付款又吞回去了。太可恶了,一分钱房租都没付了,我如何打credit card 的官司,请大家帮忙指教。




来源: 相见不如不相见2011-05-25 09:27:31 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:2549次

I have a vacation rental at Disney, Florida. I spent about $100,000 to buy, and renovation. Following are the cost monthyly:

HOA: 200
Tax: 200
Utility: 180
Cable TV/Internet: 110
Water: 60
Insurance: 40
Property Manager+Maintenance: 150
Loan interest: 420
$18k furniture devaluation: 50

Total cost to maintain my property: $1,410 per month, which is $47 per day.

I rent out the property from $39 to $79 (averagely at $50), plus cleaning fee $79 and 13% tax. Occupancy rate is good, at 90%, averagely the daily income can barely cover all the cost. Since the cleaning fee paid to the cleaning company and tax to the government, I have to collect that.

In a word, I cannot profit any thing from renting except the property value up in the future.

This week came an Indian family, at first, they refused to pay the cleaning fee. Then after they moved in, trouble comes too.

At the first day, the Indian family they called the property manager, complaining no hot water, then the property manager ordered the plumber, then plumber said everything's perfect, just the Indian family didn't know how to use it. Then the property manager charged me $40 for the trip fee.

On the 2nd day, the Indian family complained again complaining the A/C not working. then my property manager ordered the a/c guy to check; then the a/c guy said everything's perfect; then the property manager charged me $40 again for the trip fee.

On the 3rd day, yesterday, Indian family reported again for the Internet access, they complained the network cannot connected. What the heck! I called the PM immediately, asked her not order service again, then the Indian family threatened me to sue me on the court.

I lost $40 per day, I rent out to them for just $45 per day, which includes HOA, property tax, utility gas and electric, water and sewer, cable tv and high speed internet, PM managerment fee, .....

I have never had Indian customers before. I will never rent out to them any more.

Welcome for your comments, lessons, advices,..., thanks


你跟房客的纠纷,贴过别的坦,大家也给了建议了,如果只是想让更多的人知道你的出租房,那你就该考虑花钱上广告,别在这炒冷饭。 -乌不浪口- 给 乌不浪口 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 06:08:38

我说话不中听,但没有恶意,就是希望你别吵冷饭,我也想帮衬你的生意,按你的电话号打,就是没有人回答,那我就只好租别人的了,你也要看 -乌不浪口- 给 乌不浪口 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 06:17:35

你也要看你的管理人是不是真有疏忽,毕竟是远程房东,有些事房东不了解。 -乌不浪口- 给 乌不浪口 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 06:19:09

我房东昨天被印度人骗了一百多块钱. -甚荒唐- 给 甚荒唐 发送悄悄话 甚荒唐 的博客首页 (16 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 06:34:47

thanks, Indians are tough customers -相见不如不相见- 给 相见不如不相见 发送悄悄话 相见不如不相见 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 08:00:17

的确很头疼,最后如何解决的? -黑白黑白- 给 黑白黑白 发送悄悄话 黑白黑白 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 06:50:00

Not 解决 Yet! I'm asking for help now. -相见不如不相见- 给 相见不如不相见 发送悄悄话 相见不如不相见 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 08:00:55

碰到无赖只认倒霉。我这个星期也被人无赖。钱能打发的只当是肉包子打狗。 -houston1965- 给 houston1965 发送悄悄话 houston1965 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 07:00:35

thanks, but I don't want 只认倒霉。I have legitamate facts -相见不如不相见- 给 相见不如不相见 发送悄悄话 相见不如不相见 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 08:01:43

听起来好像是故意想懒账,已经这么便宜了, 还想这样子, -HenryLi- 给 HenryLi 发送悄悄话 HenryLi 的博客首页 (53 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 07:31:29

thanks, but how to get him? that's the question -相见不如不相见- 给 相见不如不相见 发送悄悄话 相见不如不相见 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 08:02:10

奇怪,有没有热水一开龙头就知道,你说问题是在于印度人不会用,还有不会开龙头的印度人? -种菜忙- 给 种菜忙 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 07:50:51

I'm not on site, the plumber, ordered by my PM, claimed nothing -相见不如不相见- 给 相见不如不相见 发送悄悄话 相见不如不相见 的博客首页 (625 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 08:06:23

那就上庭,但你不能讲印度人不会用,法官一听就会把你判输,你有责任提供热水,一开龙头就有的热水,你要证明有热水,是印度人扯谎,还是 -种菜忙- 给 种菜忙 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 08:16:11

thanks, I live remotely, the Indians are in NJ, vacation home is -相见不如不相见- 给 相见不如不相见 发送悄悄话 相见不如不相见 的博客首页 (265 bytes) () 06/09/2011 postreply 08:20:49
