When deciding where to spend your golden years, there are many factors to consider, from cost of living and employment opportunities to crime rate and climate. And there are many opinions to consider as well. Over the past two years, Huff/Post50 has written about the most relaxing U.S. cities to retire. We've also written about the most affordable places to retire overseas. We've even covered the best big cities to "pre-retire".

And now there's yet another list to mull over. Money magazine has just released its 2013 list of the 10 Best Places to Retire in America.

Take a look at the cities chosen -- and let us know what you think in comments.

1) Raleigh, North Carolina
The pros of retiring in Raleigh: temperate weather and a strong economy for encore careers. The cons: There are fewer retirees than in other cities. Plus, some pension tax breaks will expire in 2014.


2) Pitt*****urgh, Pennsylvania
Why retire in Pitt*****urgh? It has good transportation, sports and excellent health care. But you'll have to put up with chilly winters and relatively high property taxes.


3) Lexington, Kentucky
Considering Lexington? It has great access to continuing education and affordable downtown housing. The downside: The airport is small and there are a limited number of arts venues.


4) St. Peter*****urg, Florida
Thinking of retiring to Florida's Gulf Coast? The beaches are beautiful, the weather is warm and taxes are low. The downside: tropical storms and an aging population.


5) Boise, Idaho
Love the outdoors? Boise might be the place for you. Plus, it has good health care. You'll have to contend, though, with a lack of racial diversity, cold winters and high downtown real estate prices.


6) Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Fort Lauderdale has great weather, low taxes and reasonably priced waterfront property.


7) Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake City offers proximity to world-class skiing and direct flights to Paris. What could be better?


8) Colorado Springs, Colorado
Colorado Springs offers retirees a bustling downtown with views of Pikes Peak and easy access to the Rocky Mountains.


9) Spokane, Washington
Abundant sunshine, affordable housing and cultural events make Spokane an excellent retirement choice.


10) Norfolk, Virginia
Norfolk's cultural scene and its proximity to the ocean, Chesapeake Bay and several rivers make it an activity-rich retirement destination.


To find out more about the costs of living in these cities, the variety of entertainment and recreational options, and the best neighborhoods, read the complete story