这种rampage killer一半有精神问题一半没有,而且一般是合法取得枪支,所以很难预测。

来源: Kamioka 2012-12-18 07:32:52 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (3224 bytes)

Dr. Michael Nuccitelli, New York State licensed psychologist and forensic consultant announces his availability to discuss the recent mass killing in Aurora, Colorado. In the last two years, Dr. Nuccitelli extensively studied Arizona Shooter, Jared Loughner and Norwegian Mass Killer, Anders Behring Breivik. As a forensic consultant and licensed psychologist, Dr. Nuccitelli can discuss Mass Killer profiles and a look inside the mind of this young man who is suspected of brutally murdering 12 people and injuring 59 on July 20, 2012.

As Dr. Nuccitelli has stated, “Given it is estimated there is 2.67 billion active Internet users globally and quickly growing, it falls to reason to assume cyber predators and the use of Information and Communications Technology will increase as well. Crime and deviance has a new friend. This friend being the unaware and ignorant online user clueless they have been targeted for a cyber attack.”

If Mr. Holmes is in fact the perpetrator of these heinous crimes, he clearly fits the profile of a rampage killer profile. Common traits among Rampage Killers are as follows:

1. Rampage killers mostly murder strangers. As of the time of this posting, the victims of his attack were unknown to him based on news information.

2. In roughly 25% of rampage killer cases, a relationship issue such as a divorce or breakup is the precipitating event. Approximately 45% of rampage killers are triggered by unexpected employment losses. There has been so far no information suggesting employment or relationship events triggered his rage.

3. Shopping centers, schools, malls, college campuses and various other public places are arenas rampage killers choose to display their violent assaults. Mr. Holmes chose a movie theatre filled with people of all ages attending a gathering for a newly released movie. .

4. Adult rampage killers tend to act alone. Adolescent assailants are more likely to involve other participants in their rampage. Authorities have ruled out persons of interest suggesting Mr. Holmes was involved alone in the attack.

5. Over 50% of rampage killers have a history of mental illness. News reports have suggested Mr. Holmes had recently been expelled from graduate school, majoring in neuroscience, or he left school of his own volition.

6. One third of adult rampage killers have high levels of education and unemployed at the time of the rampage killings. At the time of the shootings, it is not known if Mr. Holmes was employed, but recently had dropped out of college

7. Rampage killers rarely try to flee from the incident. Many of them commit suicide at the scene of the crime or allow themselves to be taken into custody. Mr. Holmes is in custody of the authorities

8. Adult rampage killers often have military backgrounds and possess weapons they have obtained legally. At the time of this release, there has not been confirmation that Mr. Holmes was in the military or purchased his cadre of weapons legally.



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