go exercising

来源: tiger00 2011-10-22 06:43:03 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1181 bytes)

Local news reported that Changsha has the largest "广场" in the country. my cousins go 2 hrsdancing after dinner, and retired aunts go dancing in the morning for 2 hours, then taking music lessons.

My mother is at countryside, so she does not have the chance to do so. But she exercises at home, everyday at 5am, she wakes up, strething her arms,legs, neck and hips, rubbing her head and abdomen for almost 2 hrs, then sweeps the road. another 1.5hrs exercise after lunch.

my mother is 80, has osteoporosis, OA, neck pain, hip pain and deformed spine and knees, fainted several times before, result after 2 years exercise?

No pain anymore, no episode of syncope, her hair color dramatically changed from grey to black. she said 梳头 definetely helped the syncope and hair color.



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