why they love the money?

回答: how you get married?cityview2009-07-15 09:04:16

it is not easy to take care two kids in old age. why they don't enjoy retirement in china? anyway if they have a lot of money you will share benefit after your parents in law die. now the house price is so low so the best way is to buy one more house to enjoy tax deductible. It is better to lease to tenant and you don't need worry about the house.


他们习惯了,人老了三件事,贪财怕死睡不着。 -红焖羊肉- 给 红焖羊肉 发送悄悄话 红焖羊肉 的博客首页 (106 bytes) () 07/15/2009 postreply 10:51:49
