
来源: noworry 2008-02-19 09:26:02 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3031 bytes)
同志们, 朋友们


一是麦克老先生,这个共和党的异类,成为共和党总统候选人已经是既定的实事,既然是异类,不伦不类, 连本党都不那么情愿支持他,他麦克想当总统那是黄梁美梦。嗨丽蕊同志成为未来大美帝国的总统已成定局。

二是殴巴马小弟大小麻烦逐渐败露, 功底不深, 经验不足, 空洞无物已经逐步被人们所认识, 不要说总统美梦没戏, 就连民主党的候选人也是不可能的。

三是伟大的嗨丽蕊同志败不气馁,胜不骄傲, 坚持不懈, 勇往直前, 战况可喜, 形式越来越好. 殴哈腰,太克塞斯,喷嗖维涅及其看好, 甚至维斯抗森都有可能胜选。

就如同伟大的无忧同志前两天在的CNN, USATODAY 的跟帖所言。
“It does never, ever cross my mind at all that Hillary will lose this presidential election though I know she may face some great challenge from both her own party and republic party. She is just so experienced, intelligent and tough with a great political passion and vision. She is a great fighter and a super leader that our America desperately needs right now. Her idea and her programs are real and practical. She is a true deal that we need. I firmly believe that Hillary will win TX, OH, PA and some of the rest states where people have not voted yet though it will be a tough battle.
Go Hillary.”

“You guys are jumping up too early to make an assumption who should be the better running mate for the general presidential election, just like what Obama did to promise VA governor to be his adminstration lists, which is truly immature. First of all, there is not clear clue who will be the Democratic nominee yet.

Obama won so some states does not guarantee him that he will win rest of the states who has not voted yet. If you guys read carefully enough and know who voted whom in the last couple of weeks, you guys should realize that Hillary will have a great chance to win TX, OH, PA and some of rest states, and get even more super delegates, meaning that Hillary eventually wins the Democratic nominee and wins the presidency.

Election in this year is unusual and exciting, any prediction and assumption can be wrong unless you read hard data and voting records in this year.”

事实上, 无忧同志早在两年前, 就预言如没有极大特殊情况出现,嗨丽蕊同志是2008年最好的总统人选。 实事证明无忧是何等的英明伟大。 虽然, 现在半路杀出了个程咬金,殴巴马小弟, 但他迟早是要离开瓦岗寨的, 要加入到嗨丽蕊姐姐的阵营里来的, 为嗨丽蕊姐姐成为下人总统, 冲锋陷阵。

同志们, 朋友们

我们要“宜将胜勇追穷寇,不可沽名学霸王”, 尤其是那些还没有投票的同胞们,特别是女朋友们, 要积极准备投嗨丽蕊同志的票。连无忧这个大男子, 党外民主人士都积极为你们伟大的女嗨丽蕊同志煽动, 鼓动,拉选票, 你们这些女朋友不能袖手旁观。 你们的男朋友, 男丈夫如果不投嗨丽蕊同志的票,你们要明明白白地告诉他们,老娘你跟他们没完没了, 要跟他们吹灯拔蜡, 断绝亲密友好关系, 看他们还有没有那个贼胆不投嗨丽蕊同志的票?

同志们, 朋友们

投嗨丽蕊同志的票是伟大的, 光荣的, 正确的, 神圣的, 是史无前例的。

我们的投票是正义的, 正义的事业是任何力量也摧不破的。


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