好象只有一个总统候选人提出全民医疗保险, 不过他不可能赢

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Home Issues A Healthy Nation

A Healthy Nation
Health care in the US is too expensive and leaves 46 million Americans without insurance and millions more underinsured. Dennis Kucinich is the only candidate for President with a plan for a Universal, Single-Payer, Not-for-Profit health care system.

America's patchwork of for-profit, private insurers waste billions of dollars on spending that has nothing to do with paying for care. Elaborate underwriting, billing, sales and marketing divert huge amounts of money away from delivering health care. Huge profits and staggering compensation for the insurance companies' top executives and CEO's.

To cope with the endless bureaucracy of private insurers, health care providers maintain huge administrative staffs. The administration of the health care system today consumes approximately 31% of the money spent for health care. The potential savings, as much as $350 billion per year, are enough to provide comprehensive coverage to every American without paying any more than we already do.

In Congress, Representative Dennis Kucinich has co-authored HR 676, legislation which would establish Medicare for All - a universal, single-payer, not-for-profit health care system that leaves no American behind.


Myths as Barriers to Health Care Reform A paper refuting many of the myths associated with single-payer health care.
No Health Insurance? It's Enough to Make You Sick American College of Physicians paper - Uninsured Americans live sicker and die younger.
Uninsured Americans with Chronic Health Conditions Key Findings from the National Health Interview Survey - the Urban Institute and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
H.R. 676 - the United States National Health Insurance Act Read Rep. Kucinich's legislation on THOMAS (The Library of Congress)

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