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Jill’s Ad Pages Suffer 10% Decline
—AdAge, October 2004

It started like any typical workday. At about ten minutes
past noon, I chugged the last drops of my Diet Coke just as
the elevators opened onto the eighth floor. I had forgotten my
ID and had already been subjected to everything but a cavity
search by building security. So I was relieved to see that the
usual box of copy paper was propping the glass door open.
The eighth floor didn’t have a receptionist, so if the box of
copy paper wasn’t there, I’d have to call someone to let me
in. Not a big deal, but I liked to keep my arrival into the office
as inconspicuous as possible. Which, in actuality, was impossible.
It was impossible due to “the walk.”

Because of the layout of the floor, there was no way for me
to get to my office without being accosted by nearly every
staffer along the way. Not that I had anything against my
staffers—most of them I really liked. But “the walk” was just
a ritual that made the act of getting to my office, and then actually
getting some work done, an even longer, more drawn-
out, time-consuming process than it already was.

I suppose I could avoid the problem by getting into the office
before anyone else. Which meant before 9 A.M. Which
was completely, absolutely out of the question. It’s not that I
was a total diva about early mornings; it’s just that after benefits,
parties, and late-night live television interviews—all to
keep the magazine’s PR profile up—combined with my lovely

2 Karen Yampolsky

insomnia problem—I needed a few extra hours of sleep in the

So to deal with “the walk” as graciously as possible, I sometimes
liked to picture it as a “red-carpet” kind of walk. Celebrities
who arrive at the Oscars, for example, don’t stop and
chat with every person waiting on the sidelines. Otherwise they
would never make it into the ceremony. But they oh so nicely
blow them off, cheerfully waving and smiling, stopping only to
offer a brief pose or sound bite.

So I put on my best red-carpet smile, pulled open the glass
door, and started “the walk.” As I approached the sea of cubicles,
I imagined the alt-funk blaring from a staffer’s radio
to be sweeping orchestra strings. I pictured the unflattering
fluorescents to be bright spotlights. And instead of must,
dust, and rotting lunches, I tricked my nose into believing that
the stench in my trail was some A-lister’s expensive French
parfum. The cluttered stacks of CDs, books, and back issues
became ivory pillars, lining the way. But the Sharpie-defiled
Britney Spears poster plastered near the conference room . . .
that always stayed in the picture, ensuring that my red-carpet
smile stayed in place.

I know it’s all a terribly egotistical fantasy, but the illusion
amused me. And it gave me my game face—the jeez-Jill-is-sopleasant-
and-cool-and-in-control visage behind the smile. I
needed it so much more now, since our managing editor recently
had jumped ship. Without her, I had a lot more work
and . . . one less barrier from the accosters.

Their barrage began.

“Jill! Will you be able to look at my copy today?”

“Jill! What do you think of this as a ‘Hoax’ for the March

“Jill! Do you think I’ll be able to get your approval on this
layout? It ships tonight.”

I sailed on, smiling, responding in rapid fire. “Heeeeey. Hi.
Leave the copy with Casey. Yeah, good ‘Hoax.’ Later, I pro


mise.” I practiced my Queen Elizabeth wave. The fantasy
was especially useful in making the utter crappiness of the
floor melt away. When Nestrom Media first bought us, we
moved to the fifteenth floor, sharing it with Fashionista magazine.
But that didn’t last long. I could tell by the fashionistas’
consistently disgusted scowls that they couldn’t bear
our tattoos; piercings; cheap, multihued haircuts; and general
slovenliness for long. Before I knew it, we were being kicked
downstairs, shoved in a corner behind the cafeteria, between
the supply guy and the check-cashing lady. Now it couldn’t
be any clearer where Jill fit into the hierarchy of the Nestrom
magazine empire.

Just a few more feet to go. And the onslaught continued.
“Jill! Do you really want me to call back Katy Hanson’s people
and tell her we’re not interested in having her on a cover?

That one stopped me in my tracks, snapping me right into
reality. It came from Rosario, the entertainment editor. “Yes,
really!” I snapped.

“But her album just hit number one,” she halfheartedly
pleaded. “And you said we had to start thinking a little bit
more mass appeal for the covers.”

I looked at Rosario, her blue hair matted in all directions.
She of all people should know better, I thought. She was a
downtown girl—a dj, for crying out loud. I guess she misunderstood
me in last week’s meeting. “I meant someone more along
the lines of a . . . Jennifer Aniston,” I explained. “Definitely not
a cheesy reality show winner. The only way that Katy Hanson
would end up on one of our covers would be via a cover line

With that, I continued making my way to my office when I
felt a furry presence brush my ankle. I stopped again and
stooped to pick up Ruggles, Kyra the photo editor’s dog. I had
no choice but to make Ruggles the office mascot since Kyra
brought her in every day, despite more than a few threatening

4 Karen Yampolsky

letters from HR. I held the Yorkie to my face, expecting a kiss.
But she just yipped at me. I sighed before I tossed her back on
the floor. No matter how hard I tried, that dog just didn’t like

Casey, my assistant, perked up when she saw me approach.
I gave her my best don’t-let-anybody-in look when I reached
my office. She knew better than to join the conga line from
hell trailing after me, and she usually waited for me to get settled
before she confronted me with anything, no matter how
urgent. I could tell by her exasperated expression, though,
that she had some really pressing, and probably unpleasant,

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    谢惠兰英译,感觉吉儿这个人物很有个性。 -纾珈- 给 纾珈 发送悄悄话 纾珈 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/10/2011 postreply 17:51:15

    能译的都很了不起 -yy888- 给 yy888 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/10/2011 postreply 20:16:46



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