习惯用语:fits and starts(音频文字)

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习惯用语:fits and starts (音频文字) ZT


我看书的时候,总是看一会儿,要干别的事儿了,就把书放下,等有时间了,再回来看,看看又放在一旁。形容这种情况,英语里有个特别合适的习惯用语,叫fits and starts。

Fits有阵发和突发的意思。Fits and starts这个习惯用语的意思是时断时续的,间歇的,一阵阵的。所以说,象我这种一会儿拿起书来看,一会儿又放下,时断时续的,就可以说是fits and starts.


例句-1:When I was a kid, my mom dreamed of going to college. But raising a family didn't allow her to complete her coursework on a regular schedule; there was a lot of stopping and starting again. Although it took her seven years, after numerous fits and starts, she finally earned her degree.


这就叫有志者事竟成。大家都知道,美国的民权运动前后经历的几十年,非洲裔美国人为了争取跟白人同等的权利,多年不懈努力。美国社会今天的种族状况不是一蹴而就,而是经过了断断续续的运动和停顿。It was a series of fits and starts.

在使用这个习惯用语的时候,前面一般都要加上in或者是by. 我可以说自己读书是in fits and starts; 或者说刚才那个妈妈选修大学的课程是by fits and starts.


Fits and starts这个习惯用语历史悠久,可以追溯到十四世纪后期,开始的时候只是by fits,是大约100年后加上 "and starts"。现在很多人都在网上有自己的博客,我们看看下面这个人的感触。

例句-2:Like a lot of my friends, I have my own blog. The problem is I'm not as consistent as they are about keeping it. I'll write every day for a week or so, then I won't, then I'll write some more...I guess it's because my ideas come in fits and starts.


他刚才用的是in fits and starts. 其实在这里,我们也可以用by fits and starts. 两种说法都可以。我有个朋友,先生是搞室内装修的。几年前买了栋旧房子,开始自己整修,但是由于工作忙,只能by fits and starts,断断续续,结果干了五年才算大功告成。


The opposite word of consistence is in fits and starts. -~叶子~- 给 ~叶子~ 发送悄悄话 ~叶子~ 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/04/2013 postreply 20:46:09

Good one. -婉蕠- 给 婉蕠 发送悄悄话 婉蕠 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/04/2013 postreply 20:51:54



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