[电影绍介] The king of Comedy -周星驰 的喜剧之王
今有点时间有点兴致,给大家介绍一个香港老片: The king of Comedy -周星驰的喜剧之王. 祝大家节日愉快
剧情梗概 : 一直是周星驰的fan,从本科到现在,他的电影好好坏坏,俺都照单收下.其中最喜欢就是他的喜剧之王,百看不厌,可以说是他最伟大的作品,之所以几乎达到了喜剧电影的最高境界,原因很简单,就是因为他拍出了他自己。 剧中的男主角尹天仇和周星星一样曾是个死跑龙套(damned extra)的小人物,他的最高理想就是当个好演员,却在现实中屡屡受锉,经常在片场两一只盒饭都混不到.被骂个半死,打个半死到是家常便饭。但他却从未放弃过,象一只打不死的蟑螂,顽强地另人发指。他的著名口头禅就是“我是一个演员”,特别把自己和自己干的那点事当个事。在那个海边小渔村,一帮市井小民混混中,他还总是一身西装西裤一本正经大讲特讲雷雨戏剧什么的,那发亮的料子,短了半寸的裤角,再配上一双夹脚绿拖鞋,使他看起来那么格格不入,那么搞笑. 和他一贯的风格一样,他总是要让你放肆的笑过后哭的,为小人物的不幸和执着. 剧中的女主角柳飘飘,一个三陪小姐,她的人生理想,就是当他们夜总会的头牌。两个本来风马牛不相及的人搅到一起,就是飘飘他们夜总会有个新主题,什么“女大学生初恋之夜”的什么活动的噱头招徕顾客,汗,这年头,哪个行业想赚钱都不容易。让小姐扮清纯女大学生,这相当考验演技的说,一定要找老师培训。这个不要钱的老师就是尹天仇 - 那个死跑龙套的. 这就是两个人如何认识的。 喜欢看小人物的挣扎和情感纠结,因为自己也是小人物. 男人也许只有在没钱没势时对一个女子产生的感情才是真感情. 喜欢这个时候的张柏芝,圆圆的脸,带点婴儿肥,青春逼人。飘飘这个角色里有她的影子。张柏芝是第一个也可能是唯一一个公开对媒体说她不是玉女的女星。她身上有飘飘的放荡不羁,也有她的率真可爱。演活了这个角色. *********************************************************************************************** 挑两个俺最喜欢的男女主角互动的clips,和大家分享. 第一个比较搞,第二个有点sad,俺也写的多点。词不达意,就这点时间和水平。大家过节看着玩吧~Tianchou, a damned extra, his ultimatum career goal is to be a respectful actor. Piaopiao, a night club hostess, her ultimatum career goal is to be the top girl in her night club.Clip 1 Teacher and student
He was teaching her how to play as a shy college girl to attract more customers. Her acting was either too uninhibited or too rigid, plus her annoying working habit - always ending up wrapping her legs around his waist when he was hugging her like a client, which must be corrected according to the teacher. Finally, after some hard work, the student picked it up very well. Maybe a little too well, both the “teacher” and “student” were falling into the characters a bit. Clip 2. After One Night Stand between a damned extra and a night club hostess
She woke up from his bed. She never realized that the morning air could be this fresh, pungent with the salty taste of sea. The sunlight was so comfy that could warm up the coldest corner in the world. She had never been so peaceful and content in her life. He woke up, but he couldn’t find her and his clothes. Finally he found her sitting on the windowsill of his shabby living room, wearing his shirt and his green flip-flops. Wind frolicsomely swaying her unbridled long hair, extended from his shirt hem was a pair of mile long legs, and there wasn’t any make up on that impeccable face. She was quiet and lost in her own thinking. He was speechless and lost in her pure beauty. Suddenly, he realized he had spent the night with a “Goddess” he may not be able to pay because she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He pooled up everything he could: his cash, his bankbook, his lucky money, and all his pocket change. “Far from enough,” He thought. At last, he took off his watch and put it on the top of the pile, along with that was his dignity as a man, the dignity of a poor man, which was usually regarded penniless in such a materialistic society... He buried his head into his hands with extreme embarrassment and shame. She came back and saw the “money” pool. She picked up her purse and expressionlessly collected all the stuff he gave her. “Thanks, boss.” She said indifferently. They were just client and server. They should be, nothing more than that, shouldn’t they? She changed back into her clothes. "Where are you going?" He asked. "You support me?" asked her sarcastically. With a sense of uneasiness, she lit up a cigarette. "What the hell is he trying to do?" "I support you, “ suddenly he worked up all his nerves and shouted at her. "Try to get yourself supported first, dude. “ she snickered at him. He must be kidding. He couldn’t know where the next meal would come from. And she was a degrading hooker. They were just two tiny ants struggling at the very bottom of the society who could barely make a living. Love was a luxury for them. Love was the most ridiculous word to be even thought about. She stubbed out the cigarette, shrugged off his silly offer and continued her walking without even looking back. She was herself again, her high heel boots, her faux fur coat and her heavy make-up. She was on her way back to her place alone. But something may have changed forever for her. In the cab, she opened her purse and saw the stuff he scraped over for her as the "sleeping" fee, among them was a book she snuck from him without his permission. That was actually the only thing she wanted from him. Shirt with his body warmth, she had returned to him. She just wanted to keep something dear to him as a souvenir. Wasn’t she a selfish *****? She stole that acting book he treasured most. The book was part of him to her. That would be all for their ONS. Suddenly, she burst into tears, big tear drops rolling down from her cheeks. She didn’t wipe them. She didn’t even bother to cover her gasping mouth. No one had ever cried so ugly and so unrestraint. She didn’t give it a dime. Feeling was transient; she knew it. Howerver,