【听歌练听力】I Just Want To Dance With You

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Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Please fill in the missing words in the ( ).

I don't want to be the kind to (1 hesitate)
Be too shy, wait too late
I don't care what they say other lovers do
I just wanna dance with you

I gotta feeling that you have a heart like mine
So let it show, let it (2 shine)
If we have a chance to make one heart of two
I just wanna dance with you

I wanna dance with you
Twirl you all around the floor
That's what they intended dancin' for
I just wanna dance with you

I wanna dance with you
Hold you in my arms once more
That's what they invented dancin' for
And I just wanna dance with you

I caught you lookin' at me when I looked at you
Yes, I did, ain't that true?
You won't get (3 embarrassed) by the things I do
I just wanna dance with you

Oh, the boys are playin' softly, and the girls are too
So am I, and so are you
If this was a movie, we'd be right on (4 cue)
And I just wanna dance with you

I wanna dance with you
Twirl you all around the floor
That's what they intended dancin' for
And I just wanna dance with you

I wanna dance with you
Hold you in my arms once more
That's what they invented dancin' for
And I just wanna dance with you

I wanna dance with you
Twirl you all around the floor
That's what they invented dancin' for
I just wannna dance with you

I wanna dance with you
Hold you in my arms once more
That's what they intended dancin' for
And I just wanna dance with you

I just wanna dance with you
I just wanna dance with you
I just wanna dance with you





Love country music. He's 1 of the most familiar voices to me -移花接木- 给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (14 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 08:26:35

移花的声音跟他的有些象。你也唱一唱。 -天边一片白云- 给 天边一片白云 发送悄悄话 天边一片白云 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 13:32:03

Hahahha, George Strait holds the most CMA award records -移花接木- 给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (53 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 13:58:03

啊,我瞎选的歌。不知道他这么厉害。这也没关系,你会唱出你自己的风味。 -天边一片白云- 给 天边一片白云 发送悄悄话 天边一片白云 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 14:13:32

A nice country song. For high school dance? -最西边的岛上- 给 最西边的岛上 发送悄悄话 最西边的岛上 的博客首页 (191 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 08:34:53

厉害。you got all right. could be any dance , I think. -天边一片白云- 给 天边一片白云 发送悄悄话 天边一片白云 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 13:34:04

交作业 -康赛欧- 给 康赛欧 发送悄悄话 康赛欧 的博客首页 (1890 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 09:29:32

great. only miss one. Thanks -天边一片白云- 给 天边一片白云 发送悄悄话 天边一片白云 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 13:36:05

谢谢 -康赛欧- 给 康赛欧 发送悄悄话 康赛欧 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 16:16:57

交作业。歌选的好,歌词写得好! -暖冬cool夏- 给 暖冬cool夏 发送悄悄话 暖冬cool夏 的博客首页 (81 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 10:22:47

excellent. 暖冬跳舞一定很好。 -天边一片白云- 给 天边一片白云 发送悄悄话 天边一片白云 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 13:37:21

一般般啦:)节奏感还不错,也就跳跳大妈广场舞:)谢谢白云! -暖冬cool夏- 给 暖冬cool夏 发送悄悄话 暖冬cool夏 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 17:04:26

想象一下美丽的舞姿。:) -盈盈一笑间- 给 盈盈一笑间 发送悄悄话 盈盈一笑间 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 18:36:52

节奏感好就上手快。 -天边一片白云- 给 天边一片白云 发送悄悄话 天边一片白云 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/14/2024 postreply 06:47:57

交作业: -盈盈一笑间- 给 盈盈一笑间 发送悄悄话 盈盈一笑间 的博客首页 (1842 bytes) () 03/13/2024 postreply 17:36:29

盈盈没填的那个我看了答案也不知是什么意识。 -天边一片白云- 给 天边一片白云 发送悄悄话 天边一片白云 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/14/2024 postreply 06:50:04

On cue是一个词组,at the right moment,right on cue恰逢其时。 -暖冬cool夏- 给 暖冬cool夏 发送悄悄话 暖冬cool夏 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/14/2024 postreply 11:05:31

谢谢各位参与。答案已填上。 -天边一片白云- 给 天边一片白云 发送悄悄话 天边一片白云 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/14/2024 postreply 06:51:10
