
回答: bog vs boil走马读人2012-03-21 05:53:24


Seeing your quite a few posts in regards with interesting words reminds me of something that I do sometimes. You know, there are so many words in English, it is said  that there should be about 600,000 English words there. Since I am 73 years old now I don't think I can spend the rest of my years to  finish learning that many if I am lucky to live up to 100 years old.  So I will just relax and do whatever I like to do  enjoying my retiring life.  Ok, back to what I just said, the thing that I sometimes do to my Canada friends is I like to use some difficult English words when we have a chi-chat or informal conversations. They would always get confused or don't know what I mean. This way I would feel better, you know why? because I would feel, ha ha! Gotcha! My English is better than yours although you guys are natives, but so what?

I think I just mentioned that Canadians are good chatters in the reply to someone's  post here yesterday. Actaully, they are good chatters and sometimes they act like pretty gossip. Not all Canadians but quite a few I know. For example, in a small community, if someone's cat was caught by a fox or someone's dog was put down because of getting aged and could not move a bit, no need to see him/her suffering, or someone's hu*****and flirts with somone else' wife at a local Tom Horton's , so on and so forth, all in all, would be a big stuff to talk about, very gossip. (of course, I am not gossip, I am Chinese)  Another example is. I was taking a walk in my neighbourhood one evening last summer and a cyclist stopped me and asked me if I had seen a stray dog, I was like"No, what is happening?" he said one of our neighbours had lost her dog so every one had been searching for him. I was like"I don't know". Oh, maybe I was there in body not in spirit again, or probably I was busy with my work in the basement for a few days without going out of the door, so no wonder.

And the man kept talking with me, he said he is a GHOST stories writer. I was like"cool" . Ok, he kept saying that he lives not faraway from my house, the big blue house up on the hill is where he lives. He said he is a famous GHoST stories writer so I asked him for his website. Later on that evening I googled him in the internet, holly smoke, he did not lie! But anyway I haven't have time to read any of his ghost stories yet, maybe I will later.


利用午膳时间打的字,没法在Word修改。If you are intersted please give me some feedback. Thank you in advance!


