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回答: 【听歌练听力】 Hold on – Wilson PhillipsNewVoice2012-01-07 17:25:36

I know this pain

Why do you (lock) yourself up in these (chains)?

No one can change your life (except) (for) you

Don't ever let anyone step (all) (over) you

Just open your (heart) and your (mind)

Is it really (fate) to feel this way (inside)?


Some day somebody's gonna make you want to

(turn) (around) and say goodbye

Until then baby are you going to let them

(hold) you (down) and make you cry

Don't you know?

Don't you know things can change

Things'll go your way

If you hold on for one more day

Can you hold on for one more day

Things'll go your way

Hold on for one more day


You could (sustain)

Or are you (comfortable) with the (pain)?

You've got no one to (blame) for your (unhappiness)

You got yourself into (your) (own) (mess)

Lettin' your (worries) (pass) you by

Don't you think it's (worth) your time

To change your mind?


Repeat Chorus


文青。我错了一个。YOUR TURN。 -cha-cha- 给 cha-cha 发送悄悄话 cha-cha 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/07/2012 postreply 18:22:24

别人不敢肯定,我敢保证你一定喜欢。非常好看。 -NewVoice- 给 NewVoice 发送悄悄话 NewVoice 的博客首页 (37 bytes) () 01/07/2012 postreply 18:26:18

真的?下次一定注意下。听名字我就挺喜欢的。 -cha-cha- 给 cha-cha 发送悄悄话 cha-cha 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/07/2012 postreply 18:31:35
