
来源: 斯葭 2011-11-02 18:12:51 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2191 bytes)
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QY: Happy Friday, Donny! 你今天晚上有什么计划吗?

Donny: Hmm, not yet. What do you have in mind?

QY: Let's go salsa!! 我今晚要跟两个朋友去跳salsa, 可他们俩是一对,我可真不想夹在中间,当大电灯泡--very bright light bulb!

Donny: I see. You don't want to be the third wheel.

QY: The third wheel?

Donny: Yep! Wheel is spelled w-h-e-e-l. The third wheel, 第三个轮子, it's a very colloquial way of saying a third person joining a couple in a social context.

QY: 没错!我就是不想当 the third wheel!

Donny: Exactly, you wouldn't want to bother any love birds, right?

QY: Wait! Love birds? 爱的鸟儿?

Donny:Yep! In English, we often use the word love birds to refer to a couple who are openly affectionate, especially in public. 就是大庭广众之下卿卿我我。你不想打扰这对love birds吧?

QY: 可不是吗!不过这两个人很配!They are a great match!

Donny: Oh that's nice! You can also say, they are a match made in heaven.

QY: A match made in heaven? 那不就是中文里说的天生一对嘛!

Donny: There you go! Since you don't want to be the third wheel, I will go with you! But first, let's see what you learned today!

QY: 第一:电灯泡叫做:the third wheel;

第二,如胶似漆的情侣 ,可以说 love birds;

第三,"天生一对"是,a match made in heaven.


啊,那天天吵架的是不就是 -肖庄- 给 肖庄 发送悄悄话 肖庄 的博客首页 (45 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 18:56:35

haha,二姐的IQ真是比克林顿还高很多。今天还有感恩系列吗?! -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 beautifulwind 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 19:00:31

娜个克林顿?懒的还是驴的? -肖庄- 给 肖庄 发送悄悄话 肖庄 的博客首页 (82 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 19:15:03

不行,要笑场也得写完了再笑场,我的胃口被你吊的太高了。太好看了! -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 beautifulwind 的博客首页 (66 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 19:18:01

上面那个,刚找来的,先给你玩着。 -肖庄- 给 肖庄 发送悄悄话 肖庄 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 19:54:47

二姐,额对E文不感兴趣,额只对你的中文感兴趣! -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 beautifulwind 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 19:59:49

hehe, -肖庄- 给 肖庄 发送悄悄话 肖庄 的博客首页 (150 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 20:17:31

那就明天。 -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 beautifulwind 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 20:53:11

肖庄 & beautifulwind,have a nice weekend. -斯葭- 给 斯葭 发送悄悄话 斯葭 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/04/2011 postreply 19:06:08

How to say your name in American English and in Chinese? -:))- 给 :)) 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2011 postreply 20:42:57



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