
来源: 海外逸士 2009-11-28 07:55:52 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2654 bytes)
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春江潮水連海平,The tide in the spring river is at the level with the sea;
海上明月共潮生。The bright moon over the sea rises with the tide.
灩灩隨波千万里,Since it follows the waves for thousands of miles;
何處春江無月明!Where there’s no moonlight on the spring rivers?
江流宛轉繞芳甸,The river’s meandering round the fragrant suburbs;
月照花林皆似霰;The moon shines over blooming trees like sleet on them.
空里流霜不覺飛,The flowing frost in the air seems flying;
汀上白沙看不見。The white sands on the islets can’t be seen.
江天一色無纖塵,The dustless sky and rivers are of the same color;
皎皎空中孤月輪。Only the luminous moon in the sky is so lone.
江畔何人初見月?Who by the river first saw the moon?
江月何年初照人?In which year the moon over the river first shone on man?
人生代代無窮已,Human life is endless from generation to generation;
江月年年望相似。The moon over the river looks the same year after year.
不知江月待何人,No one knows whom the moon over the river waiting for;
但見長江送流水。But, lo, the Yangtze River send the flowing water away.
白云一片去悠悠,A piece of white cloud sails off so freely;
青楓浦上不胜愁。The woe’s unbearable on the Beach of Green Maple.
誰家今夜扁舟子?From which family the prodigal son’s in the boat tonight?
何處相思明月樓?Where’s the tower under the moon, someone harboring love?
可怜樓上月徘徊,It’s pitiable for the moon wandering over the tower;
應照离人妝鏡台。It must shine on the vanity table of the parting person.
玉戶帘中卷不去,Rolling up the screen on the jade window can’t get the moonlight off;
搗衣砧上拂還來。The moonlight on clothes-beating boards, if whisked away, will return.
此時相望不相聞,Now we can watch the same thing, but can’t hear each other;
愿逐月華流照君。I wish I could follow the moonlight to shine over you.
鴻雁長飛光不度,The wild geese can fly a long way, but the moonlight can’t;
魚龍潛躍水成文。The diving fish and dragon leap out, making the water rippling.
昨夜閑潭夢落花,I dreamt last night the falling flowers on the idle pond;
可怜春半不還家。And pity myself unable to go home as spring is half gone.
江水流春去欲盡,The river water flows away and spring’s at its end;
江潭落月复西斜。The setting moon over the river and pond is slanting west.
斜月沉沉藏海霧,The slanting moon hides deeply in the sea fogs;
碣石瀟湘無限路。It’s a long way to Jieshi and Xiaoxiang.
不知乘月几人歸,I don’t know how many people return under the moonlight;
落月搖情滿江樹。The setting moon casts the surging feelings on the riverside trees.


配乐朗诵:春江花月夜 -紫君- 给 紫君 发送悄悄话 紫君 的博客首页 (2310 bytes) () 11/28/2009 postreply 10:39:47



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