
来源: 海外逸士 2009-10-10 07:23:48 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1551 bytes)
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秋花惨淡秋草黄,The autumn flowers dismal, the autumn grass yellow;
耿耿秋灯秋夜长。The autumn lamp luminous, the autumn night long.
已觉秋窗秋不尽,I already feel the autumn everlasting on the autumn window;
那堪风雨助凄凉!How can I bear the wind and rain in addition to sorrow?
助秋风雨来何速?How swift come the wind and rain supplementing autumn!
惊破秋窗秋梦绿。Startling me from the green autumn dream at the autumn window.
抱得秋情不忍眠,So I harbor autumn emotions and have no wish in sleep to go;
自向秋屏移泪烛。Myself walk to the autumn screen to move the candle with “tears”.
泪烛摇摇爇短檠,The light of the teary candle on the short candlestick swaying,
牵愁照恨动离情。Bringing sorrow, illumining odium, and inciting parting feeling.
谁家秋院无风入?Into whose autumn courtyard comes no wind?
何处秋窗无雨声?Where’s no rain pattering on the autumn window?
罗衾不奈秋风力,The gauze quilt has no way to defy the strong autumn wind;
残漏声催秋雨急。The late sound of water clock pelting the autumn rain so heavy,
连宵脉脉复飕飕,Which lasts throughout the night in the soughing wind,
灯前似伴离人泣。As if accompanying the person parting soon, sobbing before the lamp.
寒烟小院转萧条,The small courtyard with cold mists turns desolate and dreary;
疏竹虚窗时滴沥。From sparse bamboos and empty windows raindrops dripping.
不知风雨几时休,I don’t know when the wind and rain will come to a stopping;
已教泪洒窗纱湿。But my tears already make the gauze on the window damp.


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