
来源: 宋德利利 2007-10-03 17:55:47 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (31526 bytes)
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Wu Chengxiu of Liaoyang County, Liaoning Province was fond of social activities. He was a good mixer. Many of his friends were celebrities. One night, he had a peculiar dream.
“Although you have a wide acquaintanceship, it’s only an indiscriminate association.” said a man in his dream. “There’s only one man who can share weal and woe with you. You should have made friends with him. But on the contrary, you still don’t know him now. Why?”
“Who is he?” Wu asked.
“Tian Qilang. You know him.” the man told him.
Waking up, Wu felt quite strange. He inquired of anyone he met about Tian from morning till night. In the end, he learnt that Tian was a hunter of East Village.
Riding his horse, Wu went to pay a visit to Tian. On arrival, he knocked the door with his horse-whip.
A moment later, a young man came out. Over twenty years old, wild shoulders, narrow waist, flashing eyes, he looked strong and healthy. His hat greasy, his black apron covering his knees, his clothes dotted with patches, the young guy was obviously a son of a poor family.
Politely cupping his hands before his forehead as an obeisance, the lad asked where Wu came from.
Telling his name to the young chap, Wu was going to stay overnight at his home on the pretext of an unhappy journey.
Wu told him that he wanted to see Tian.Qilang
“I’m Tian Qilang,” said the young fellow.
Tian ushered Wu into the house. There were several shabby rooms with logs supporting the walls. Entering a small room, Wu found it was full of tiger hides, wolf hides, fox furs, but without any stools or a bed to sit on. Tian spread a piece of tiger hide onto the floor for them to sit on.
Finding Tian’s words quite honest and simple, Wu was very happy and had a great esteem for the young chap. He was going to give him some money to help support his family, but he didn’t accept. Owing to Wu’s perseverance, Tian took the money to his mother. Shortly, Tian came back with the money and persisted in declining. Yet, time and again, Wu still persuaded Tian in accepting the money.
The old lady came out. Severe in voice and countenance, she said, “I have only this son. I don’t want him to make friends with anyone with riches and honors!”
Hearing this, Wu felt much ashamed and went back. On his way back, he still thought over what the mother said but he just couldn’t understand.
The man accompanying with him said that he once heard the old lady say something strange to her son in her room.
When Tian showed her the money, she said, “I saw some signs of bad luck on the guest’s body. He is doomed to meet with disaster. People say: If you are thought highly by a man, you must share his cares and burden. If you are granted a favor by a man, you must be eager to meet his needs. To a rich man, you must repay him with money. To a poor man, you must repay him with feelings. If you accept a large amount of bribe without any reasons, this is not auspicious. If you accept it, I’m afraid that you must repay him with your death.”
Hearing this, Wu was deeply moved by the mother’s virtue and at the same time had an ever greater admiration for Tian.




翼日: 同“翌日”,次日,转天。“翌”读“义”。2。淹忽:忽然。3。浃旬:满十天。浃,周匝,圆满。读“颊”。旬,十天。4。斋葬:祭祀埋葬。斋,斋祭。5。临存:看望,拜访。6。轴鞟:卷起皮革。轴,像卷画轴一样卷。鞟,去毛的兽皮。读“阔”。7。键庭户:把门窗庭院锁起来。键,插门的金属棍,俗称门插管。此处作动词,锁。8。承:乘机。9。踦闾:倚门。踦,倚靠。读“己”。闾,门。




Next day, Wu held a diner and invited Tian. But he politely declined and didn’t come. Wu then visited Tian and sat in the hall asking for a drink. Tian cordially entertained him with wine and dry deer meat. Tian bore himself extremely courteous and refined.
A few days later, Wu invited Tian again. This time he came. Wu warmly accorded him. They were very happy. Wu, once again, wanted to present some money to Tian. But Tian still politely declined.
Having a brainwave, Wu changed his tactics. He gave the money to Tian on the pretext of buying his tiger hides. Tian had to accept the money. But, back at home, Tian found all his tiger hides were not worth the money. He was going to hunt more and then give them to Wu as compensation. But he got nothing though hunting in the mountains three days.
Just at this critical moment, Tian’s wife was ill. Fully occupied in taking care of her, he had no time to go hunting. Worse of all, his wife suddenly died ten days later. All the money was spent as funeral expenses. Wu personally came to Tian’s home condoling with Tian on the death of his wife. He strictly observed all the funeral proprieties.
Firmly remembering to repay Wu, Tian went hunting in the mountains immediately after the funeral. But he always came back empty-handed. Learning this, Wu dissuaded him from being impatient for success and eagerly hoped Tian could visit his home. But Tian thought he owed debts to Wu and was reluctant to go.
Wu urged Tian to come to his home as soon as possible, saying he wanted to buy the old tiger hides he kept at home. After checking up, Tian felt very sad because he found his old tiger hides completely hairless because of being moth-eaten.
Learning this, Wu went to his home immediately and did his best to comfort him. Checking up the old tiger hides, Wu said, “They’re still perfect. I buy your tiger hides not for their hair.” After picking out several moth-eaten hides, Wu asked Tian to go with him. Tian declined and he left alone.
Still thinking he hadn’t fully repaid Wu, Tian took some food and clothes and went into the mountains again. Several days later, he finally got a tiger. He went to Wu’s home at once and gave the whole tiger to him.
Wu was delighted and cordially entertained him and asked him to stay three days. But Tian firmly declined. Wu could do nothing but ask his servants to guard the door closely so as to prevent Tian from going home.
Seeing Tian was so simple and shabby in dress, some guests stealthily said to Wu that he made friends with others too wantonly. But Wu not only refused to listen to them but also entertained him more cordially than before. Comparing Tian to other guests, people found Wu treated him in a different way.
Wu was going to replace Tian’s clothes with new ones, but he refused. Wu had to change his clothes stealthily when Tian was fast asleep. Only this time did Tian accept the new clothes.
Yet, back at home, his mother asked him to return the new clothes and take back the old ones. Tian had to go back to Wu’s home.
Wu smilingly said, “Back home and tell your old mother that I’ve already unpicked your old clothes and used them to make shoe-pads.”
From then on, Tian frequently presented rabbits or deer to Wu, but never go to Wu’s home again even if Wu invited him.
One day, Wu went to Tian’s home. But unluckily, Tian went hunting. Coming out and leaning against the door frame, the old lady said to him, “Don’t induce my son again. I think you have bad intentions!”
On hearing her words, Wu felt terribly ashamed. Saying good-bye with all courtesy and respect, he left melancholy.








Half year later, the servants suddenly told Wu, “Tian was arrested because he beat a man to death when fighting for a leopard.”
Taken aback at the bad news, Wu hurriedly went to see him, but found Tian was already put into jail. Seeing Wu, Tian became tongue-tied and then said, “May I trouble you to take care of my mother?”
Wu sorrowfully came back. Without any delay, he bought over the relative official with a large amount of money and at the same time, greased the palm of Wu’s enemy with some gold. With nothing happening within a month, Tian was released.
The old lady said to her son with deep feelings, “Wu is your savior. Although I’m your mother, I can’t save you at the critical moment. I’d like to wish Wu a long life without any misfortunes. In this case, it’s also your happy lot.”
Tian was going to pay a visit to Wu and wanted to thank him face to face.
“You can visit him, but don’t thank him.” The mother said. “You can thank for small favors. For big favors, you can’t.”
Meeting with Tian, Wu cordially comforted him. Tian acted just like a yes-man. The other members of Wu’s family complained of his breach of etiquette. But Wu appreciated his honesty and treated him ever more warmly.
Tian stayed in Wu’s home quite a few days. Accepting whatever Wu gave him, he neither refused his presents nor said anything about repayment.








On Wu’s birthday, a lot of friends came to convey their congratulations to him. Wu asked them to make an overnight stop. He and Tian stayed in his room with three servants to sleep on the floor.
On the second watch of the night, the servants were already asleep but Wu and Tian still talked and talked. Tian hang his sword on the wall. Suddenly, the sword jumped out of its box nearly an inch, crackling like firecrackers and glistening like lightning flash.
Much startled, Wu got up immediately. And Tian got up, too.
“Who are sleeping on the floor?” Tian asked.
“My servants,” said Wu.
“There must be some evil doers among them,” Tian told him.
To be asked by Wu, Tian told him the story of his sword.
“This sword was brought from a foreign country,” said Tian. “It can behead a person without letting any blood stain his clothes. I’m the third generation to have it. Although it has killed thousands upon thousands of people, it looks still like a new one. It makes a sound and jumps out of its box whenever there are some evil doers. It seems to me someone will be killed very soon. You should be near and dear to gentlemen and keep evil doers at a distance. Only by doing so, can you probably avert disasters?”
Wu nodded his consent. Anxiously tossing about in bed, Tian couldn’t fall asleep.
“Able or unable to turn misfortune into blessing, it only depends on the will of Heaven. Why do you worry about it so deeply?” Wu asked.
“I’ve nothing to worry about. I’m only worried about my mother,” said Tian.
“Even so, it’s unnecessary for you not to sleep.” Wu smiled.
Tian said, “If only there is nothing wrong.”
There were totally three servants on the floor, namely Lin, a boy and Li. Lin won his master’s favor. The boy was only twelve or thirteen yeas old. Only Li was a problem. Stubborn by nature, he frequently went red to the ears in heated arguments with Tian about some trifling. Tian was often filled with anger owing to this guy.
Tian began to doubt whether Li was going to do something evil. Next morning, Tian called Li over and fired him on a certain pretext.







One day, Wu and his son went out. Only Lin was at home to watch the house. Autumn had already come and the chrysanthemum was in flower. Wu’s daughter-in-law stealthily went into Wu’s room to pick flower. Lin suddenly came to seduce her. The young lady wanted to run away but it was too late. Lin already grasped her. She screamed aloud and some neighbors ran over immediately on hearing her voice. Lin let go his hold promptly and fled hurry-scurry.
On learning this back at home, Wu burst into anger and searched for Lin everywhere. But Lin was nowhere to be found. A few days later, he learnt that Lin had already gone to a higher official for refugee.
It was said that this higher official entrusted his household duties to his brother. Wu wrote a letter to the brother asking for Lin. But the brother refused to give up Lin. Angrier than before, Wu sued the higher official. A warrant was issued, but the official attendants refused to arrest the higher official. Nobody asked about the case.
Just at the moment Wu was filled with boiling anger, Tian came.
“Your words have been confirmed.” Wu said to Tian and then told him the whole story.
Tian pulled a long face and left without saying anything.
Wu asked his servants to watch Lin’s move. Coming back at night, Lin was caught and escorted to Wu. Wu gave a good beating to Lin. And Lin attacked Wu with a sharp sword.
Seeing this, Wu’s uncle was afraid that the anger of his niece would cause disaster and therefore persuaded him into letting the case handled by government. Accepting his uncle’s advice, Wu escorted Lin to the court of law. But just at the moment, a letter came to the court from the higher official and Lin was released immediately.
From then on, Lin felt secure with a strong backing and wantonly slandered Wu in public that it was Wu’s wife that seduced him.
Without knowing what to do, Wu was so angry that he even wanted to die. One day, he went to blame the higher official. The neighbors comforted him and persuaded him into going home.
Next morning Wu was told that the evil doer Lin was killed with his body cut into pieces and thrown in the wild.
Filled with elation and amazement, Wu’s melancholy was somewhat eased. But shortly he learned that the higher official sued him and his uncle. Wu and his uncle went to the court to confront themselves with their accuser. The judge didn’t listen to their explanation and wanted to torture his uncle.
“We didn’t kill anyone,” said Wu. “It’s me that blamed the higher official. There’s nothing to do with my uncle.”
The judge paid no attention to his words. Burst into anger, Wu was going to rush forward but stopped by the attendants.
The judge ordered the attendants to put Wu and his uncle to cruel torture. Being mostly running dogs of the higher official, the attendants were wicked and merciless. As a feeble old man, Wu’s uncle had already been beaten to death before the torture was half-finished.








Seeing Wu’s uncle was already died, the judge didn’t make a further investigation and dropped the case halfway. Wu cried and cursed, but the judge turned a deaf ear to it.
Torn by sorrow and anger, Wu took back his uncle’s body without knowing what to do next. He was going to ask Tian for an advice. But Tian did nothing to comfort him.
Stealthily thinking that he treated Tian not so bad, but he just didn’t know why Tian should regard him as a stranger. But he suspected it must be Tian that killed Li. Yet, thinking better of it, why didn’t he discuss with him about such an important matter?
Wu asked a servant to call on Tian’s home to look into the causes. But the servant found Tian’s house closely locked. And the neighbors didn’t know anything about it.
One morning, the higher official and his brother were making a plot for something evil with the judge in his office. Some people came to deliver firewood. A woodcutter suddenly stepped up. Putting down his firewood, he drew a sharp knife and stabbed the higher official. Hurriedly blocking the knife with his hand, the higher official had his wrist cut down. Being stabbed again, he lost his head.
Greatly astonished, the judge fled in panic. The woodcutter looked around alertly. The attendants quickly shut the doors and cried aloud with sticks in hands. The woodcutter cut his own throat. People stepped up and found it was Tian.
The panic-stricken judge composed himself, then came out. Seeing Tian lie stiff in a pool of blood still with the knife in hand, he stepped up to have a look. Suddenly, Tian’s corpse took a leap and beheaded the judge and then fell down again.
The court issued an order to arrest Tian’s mother and son. But they were nowhere to be found.
Learning Tian already died, Wu was sorrowfully chocked with tears. The court thought it was Wu that instigated Tian to kill the judge. Only after offering bribes to the court, was Wu be released without being punished.
Thrown into the wild, Tian’s body had been well guarded by birds and dogs for over thirty days. Wu laid Tian’s body in a delicately-made coffin and gave a grand funeral to his true friend.








Author’s Commentary:
Do not accept even one single penny from others lightly. Do not forget even one single meal given by others. These two are just the same. What a virtuous mother! Qilang couldn’t help Wu avenge himself for his father’s death when he was alive, but he did after he died. If Jing Ke could do like Tian Qilang, there should be no eternal regret. If this kind of people really exist in this world, even the leaks of Heaven Net could be mended. It’s a pity that this kind of people was too few.

Note: Jing Ke was a hero who died before he could kill the first emperor of Qin Dynasty.


凡事感激, 感恩之心不可无。 -YuGong- 给 YuGong 发送悄悄话 YuGong 的博客首页 (52 bytes) () 10/03/2007 postreply 20:21:40

回复:凡事感激, 感恩之心不可无。 -宋德利利- 给 宋德利利 发送悄悄话 宋德利利 的博客首页 (691 bytes) () 10/04/2007 postreply 18:23:45

佩服你的古文功底和英语翻译水平。谢谢分享。 -林贝卡- 给 林贝卡 发送悄悄话 林贝卡 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/04/2007 postreply 06:32:55

回复:佩服你的古文功底和英语翻译水平。谢谢分享。 -宋德利利- 给 宋德利利 发送悄悄话 宋德利利 的博客首页 (328 bytes) () 10/04/2007 postreply 18:30:41

Keep it up, Deli! : )) -edrifter- 给 edrifter 发送悄悄话 edrifter 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/04/2007 postreply 16:27:34

回复:Keep it up, Deli! : )) -宋德利利- 给 宋德利利 发送悄悄话 宋德利利 的博客首页 (500 bytes) () 10/04/2007 postreply 19:02:28



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