
来源: TBz 2010-09-16 10:13:25 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1171 bytes)

Main results
We included 50 reports. Forty (59 sub-studies) were clinical trials of over 70,000 people. Eight were comparative non-RCTs and assessed serious harms. Two were reports of harms which could not be introduced in the data analysis. In the relatively uncommon circumstance of vaccine matching the viral circulating strain and high circulation, 4% of unvaccinated people versus 1% of vaccinated people developed influenza symptoms (risk difference (RD) 3%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2% to 5%). The corresponding figures for poor vaccine matching were 2% and 1% (RD 1, 95% CI 0% to 3%). These differences were not likely to be due to chance. Vaccination had a modest effect on time off work and had no effect on hospital admissions or complication rates. Inactivated vaccines caused local harms and an estimated 1.6 additional cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome per million vaccinations. The harms evidence base is limited.


如果你理解不了这段话,我帮你理解一下 -医者意也- 给 医者意也 发送悄悄话 医者意也 的博客首页 (621 bytes) () 09/16/2010 postreply 10:38:02

这下我找到我们的分歧了. -TBz- 给 TBz 发送悄悄话 TBz 的博客首页 (889 bytes) () 09/16/2010 postreply 11:27:28

发病率从2%下降到1%,可以说降了一个百分点,也可以说降了50% -TBz- 给 TBz 发送悄悄话 TBz 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/16/2010 postreply 14:55:05

谢谢你的提醒,仔细看了原文,我的解读如下 -TBz- 给 TBz 发送悄悄话 TBz 的博客首页 (1588 bytes) () 09/16/2010 postreply 23:50:03

在通常情况下,每注射免疫100人,才能有效防止一例流感证状,疫苗不能减少住院率和工作日损失同时造成瘫痪症 -医者意也- 给 医者意也 发送悄悄话 医者意也 的博客首页 (1046 bytes) () 09/17/2010 postreply 04:49:34
