
来了客人, Old topic~~~

I have a good friend for more than 20 years. When I was in college, I was with her a lot because she is much older and more mature than me (we were buddies). Somehow, I feel she is still the same person (in the 20th) and I think we should grow up as we are ageing.

She has a teenage (not in college yet) and she plans to retire soon. She told me many times on the phone and face to face when I was in China that she is going to come to US with her kid and stays with me (at my house) “for A WHILE”, 会呆一段. She kept on telling me and my kids that she took care of me all the time in college. I don’t know what she thinks. She believes she deserves to be “taking cared of” because she took care of me before. I paid my own bills and washed my own cloth and did not have a “care giver”. I don’t mind to have friends coming over for visit. But, I am not sure how long “for A WHILE” would be (from her words, it is more like several month to make the trip worth it).  She doesn't want to go with tour group because it is expensive, plus, she can have better communication in my home. She wants to stay with ME.  I am afraid staying together for several month. I don't have that much time, energy for that.  For example, the airport she wants to land (not transfer in US after landing in US) is 4 hours drive (single trip) to our home.

She wants to stay with me (in US) because she can save a lot after I pay everything for them (as she thinks I should). I don’t remember I “owe” her anything. I gave her a dress, a hoody for her kid  and paid for them 出去吃when I saw her and I didn’t expect anything from her since she is not rich (she gave me a comb).

Now, I am afraid to call her for the New Year because she keeps on telling me that they are coming to my home.

How to say no and still keep our “friendship”? 大家快劝劝俺吧,教育俺吧~~ 谢了~~


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