all of you are nice. who taught you driving class?

来源: janeice65 2015-05-07 19:45:35 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (371 bytes)
you all want yourself die or in trouble and let this bad driver get away.
what i will do, no line changing, drive straight to bad cut car and hit her car. i taught my son the same way. between my life and her life, l choose my life. so i brought big SUV. plus, this is her fault because she didn't see the car on next line. so, she have to pay all the damagers.


这个,你别过去可能更危险。不至气才是选择自己的生命。SUV不一定安全,底盘高可能容易翻车呢。你开坦克可能行。:-) -姬文伽- 给 姬文伽 发送悄悄话 姬文伽 的博客首页 (42 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 19:50:02

changing line is more dangers than hit her. plus it's her fault. -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (325 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:00:31

I have difficulties in reading your English. Now, after you -姬文伽- 给 姬文伽 发送悄悄话 姬文伽 的博客首页 (205 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:10:13

in US. no one drive like her -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:15:10

那最好买个坦克,SUV不够的。 -itistrue- 给 itistrue 发送悄悄话 itistrue 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 19:50:48

坦克不让上高速。开大货车最好。 -苹果梨- 给 苹果梨 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 19:54:49

这要专门培训的,我挺佩服能开18轮的,看他们倒车什么的真溜。 -itistrue- 给 itistrue 发送悄悄话 itistrue 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 19:56:34

不论倒的是大车小车,倒的溜的,我都佩服。我就倒不好车。 -苹果梨- 给 苹果梨 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:10:23

so if she cut you, you just change line and no time -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (327 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:11:38

开车要时常前后左右看的,不是等别人靠近你你要么去撞车要么换lane。你以为你的SUV很厉害?有时撞的角度都有讲究的。 -itistrue- 给 itistrue 发送悄悄话 itistrue 的博客首页 (219 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:22:10

drive more than 20 years on highway, -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (91 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:35:45

good and lucky。 -itistrue- 给 itistrue 发送悄悄话 itistrue 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:38:17

如果前面是大货车抢道,楼主也勇敢的撞上去,我就服了。说到底还是欺软怕硬的。 -newnewid888- 给 newnewid888 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:38:23

yes, some times when i drive very slow -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (168 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:49:31

我真碰上过大货车左拐和我抢道的。高速上就我一辆车。那车停在乡村小路上要左拐。 -苹果梨- 给 苹果梨 发送悄悄话 (493 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:05:59

写中文行吗?你开车是国内学的? -monochrome- 给 monochrome 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:04:04

in US, once a year you see one driver like that woman. -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:19:24

建议您开这个instead suv -想上班- 给 想上班 发送悄悄话 (92 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:13:27

i really like to buy one bigger than this one. just too expensiv -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:17:53

有点象坦克了铲土车了。 -itistrue- 给 itistrue 发送悄悄话 itistrue 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:25:37

哈哈。笑死了。 -黄玫瑰888- 给 黄玫瑰888 发送悄悄话 黄玫瑰888 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:24:34

查了一下,没想到还真有这法律。我本以为是一般常识。懂法律就是好。不幸,被你骂法盲了。嘻嘻。 -姬文伽- 给 姬文伽 发送悄悄话 姬文伽 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:25:30

我窝囊,以前想都没敢想过。现在知道了,觉得修车上法院花钱花时间。 -姬文伽- 给 姬文伽 发送悄悄话 姬文伽 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:36:36

是的,开车就是安全第一,不是争对错,就是对方的错我都觉得花不起这时间精力。 -itistrue- 给 itistrue 发送悄悄话 itistrue 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:30:10

看来, 不少人应该去上"defensive driving " 的课 -StopBy- 给 StopBy 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:39:49

you know, some one in panic, she hit gas instead brake. -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (18 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:42:22

yes, if car is all in my line and i hit tail, my fault. if in an -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:52:39

if the car is not all in my line, which means i have no time to -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:53:48

only you have lawer -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:59:18

do you drive? how many times you are in the same situation? -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (299 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:16:22

i don't believe in luck. i drive very careful. -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 22:15:18

估计这样的也只能在美国大农村开开车了,到中国开个十米就撞上了, -newnewid888- 给 newnewid888 发送悄悄话 (129 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 20:34:08

嗯。谁力气大谁有理。打,往死里打,反正大家都叫好。 -黄玫瑰888- 给 黄玫瑰888 发送悄悄话 黄玫瑰888 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:27:29

告诉我你住那里, 我会躲这你这样的法盲和教出来的孩子 -女球迷- 给 女球迷 发送悄悄话 女球迷 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:00:13

did you learn any thing from video -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (127 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:21:08

you choose to hit people on side walk? -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:42:22

because the people like you, i insist my son only put backpack -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (87 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:54:49

你是真懂英语呢还是真懂英语呢,连我家的1 st Grade 都能指出你的语法一错再错。 -翡翠&水晶- 给 翡翠&水晶 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:50:15

i knew. if you want correct, please do so -janeice65- 给 janeice65 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 21:55:59

I have to think in Chinese when reading your English, otherwise -潇雨霏霏- 给 潇雨霏霏 发送悄悄话 潇雨霏霏 的博客首页 (30 bytes) () 05/07/2015 postreply 22:17:51

I don't care who taught you to drive, but you are dead wrong -C阳光加州A- 给 C阳光加州A 发送悄悄话 (340 bytes) () 05/08/2015 postreply 12:37:12



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