给新人老贴重温:REAL ESTATE 的四重魔力

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REAL ESTATE的四重魔力Works Better Today Than Ever

来源: miat42 于 09-02-10

4 power of real estate investing,

they apply to investment in any time period, yesterday and

today. They not only works for real estate, they work for

most enterprise investing. However, one must use these tools

correctly by controlling the risks associated with them,

among the most critical here is cash flow management.

.Why do they work better today than ever? because banks are

foreclosing unprecedented amount of properties and put them

on fire sales at incredibly low price, i.e., below replace

cost like of low price!

Today is in fact the best time to get into real estate market

to scoup up these cheap properties.

The power of the magic never changes. What changed today is

the price, and the incredible positive cash flow that

resulted from the low price.



来源: 小小石头 于 08-05- 05 07:07:33 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转

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昨天胡扯了养家糊口的三种境界,今天俺打算聊聊RE(REAL ESTATE)的

四重魔力。第一重魔力:Passive income,第二重魔力:Inflation income,第三重魔力:Tax effective income,第四重魔力:Leverage income。

第一重魔力:Passive income。啥意思?就是钱是耒找你的,或者说待在家里(或躺在夏威夷的沙滩上)照样收钱,无需劳心、劳力、起早贪黑的忙碌。如果你有一千万美刀全投入RE,也就是俺们常说的十粒米,按照当前的市场你起码应有5%的净回报;也就是说去掉了一切开销后(包括管理费用),你今年最低应有50万的净收入。没有老板、没有雇员、没有同事间的你争我夺、、、、、、、呵呵呵、、、、感觉怎么样?Passive income真是个好东东哈。

第二重魔力:Inflation income。Inflation income?有没有搞错!俺们只听说过Inflation,没听说过Inflation income。是的,对于一个RE的持有者耒讲通胀就是收入。俺们在前面讲过,一百年前花费一美刀买到的东西,今天需要花费约22。5美刀才能卖到。RE 也是东东,是一种天然抵御通涨的东东;过去百年里的经验告诉俺们:平均每年的RE增值率稍稍高于通涨率,大致为5-6%。也就是说如果你持有十粒米的 RE,你今年的总资产起码又增加了50万。呵呵呵、、、、感觉怎么样?啥都没做怎么又多了50万!这不是魔力啥是魔力?

第三重魔力:Tax effective income。俺们知道米国是一个万税的国家,燕过还得拔毛呢;你这50万的现金收入外加50万的资产增值还能不给大叔留下一半?大叔对于RE是如此的善良:50万的资产增值大叔没看见,税就免了吧。呵呵呵、、、、大叔都说没看见了,你还要交哪门子的税。所以,这种没看见的钱要多多赚点哈。那么另外那50万的现金收入大叔可是看见了,昨办呢?大叔对于RE依然是的善良滴:


第四重魔力:Leverage income。杠杆?这玩意最近被批的很很厉害,虽然它魔力巨大但俺还是少言为妙,大家还是慢慢体会吧。今天罗罗嗦嗦主要是讲了富人为啥会富、钱怎样生了钱(RE方法),也不知道讲的对与不对?讲清楚了没有?还不明白、、、、呵呵呵、、、、俺也没办法,俺水平低望大夥儿见谅了。

再探讨“REAL ESTATE 的四重魔力" with disclaimerfrom云起时99

• 金桥贷款 conf 30fixed 5.0% No Closing Cost Email: efloans@gmail.com or call Eric

@ 65...

第一重魔力:Passive income.

[云起时99] Unless you get to a certain scale, sweat equity would be a part of

your RE wealth. There is nothing passive about that. This means if you don't have

a rich daddy, forget about passive income for a long while.

[Miat]: It usually takes at least 10 year for 1st Magic power to show its


第二重魔力:Inflation income.

[云起时99] Only if you can wait it out. And you have to assume the inflation is

not too high or too low. After sales commission, property tax and up-keep, you

would be lucky to break even in a few years in the current environment.

[Miat]: It usually takes at least 10 year for 2st Magic power to show its


第三重魔力:Tax effective income.

[云起时99] Somehow this is a little in conflict with #1 (if I recall correctly).

Also it depends on your ordinary income. Always consult your accountant/ tax

lawyer first.

[Miat] 3rd magic power appears to work for you immediately.

第四重魔力:Leverage income。

[云起时99] 杠杆?这玩意最近被批的很很厉害,虽然它魔力巨大但俺还是少言为妙,大家还


[Miat] 4th magic power, leverage, is actually the most powerful magic. Leveraging

is the key element of capitalism modern and old. In the old capitalism, factory

owners leveraged workers' labor to extract profit from them (like today's China).

In modern capitalism, financiers leverage money's buying power to extract profit

from unknowing buyers. Although we have witnessed the backfire from modern

capitalism, this leverage will continue in the future, probably in a different

way and form. As long as greed is there, leverage will be there. For our middle

class investors, without leveraging power, it's almost impossible for people to

get rich. Leveraging others' money is a great way to get rich. In real estate

investing, we leverage banks' money. As long as you can manage your cash flow,

success is not only possible, but guaranteed.

As a summary: Real estate investing requires a big patience. There is no hope of

getting rich immediately. You will only taste some sweets when you survive to

your *second* decade. In your first decade, there would be no fruit, but all

work. 8 out of 10 landlords would fail during this first 10 years because they

don't have enough confidence and conviction. In addition to that, every cycle

will produce countless noises in the background to shake your confidence, without

resisting these noises, one would find it hard to last a couple of years, let

alone 10 years.


反对一下 犀利妹妹 :我来反一下 四重魔力

来源: 2013-09-13 17:34:54 [] [博客] [转至博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:445 次 (59308 bytes)
本文内容已被 [ inet-fan ] 在 2013-09-14 11:00:30 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

我在享受所有的四重魔力,必须的反一下 犀利妹妹。(你有点为争论而争论,必须严肃批评。)

理想状态下,你有1M现金, 可以有2种选择,(数字都是假设的)
现金买, 250K 一栋, 4 栋, 租金2500/月, 开销500 一月,总的净利润8000/月, cash on cash return = 8000*12/1M ~= 10%
× 贷款,
250K 一栋 25% down, 买16栋, 租金2500/月, 开销500 一月, 贷款1000/月, 总资产4M,净资产 1M
cash on cash return = 16000*12/1M = 20% (假设太好了,这利润杀人都有人干了。德州的朋友们说说?)还有,30年后,资产double, 总资产8M,净资产 5M。 1M -》 5M 对比 1M -》 2M 。 反过来,如果房价下跌25-50%,你的净资产《=0了,只希望还有人租,靠现金和现金流撑过去。 (参见2007-2009)现金买房,这个问题小很多。

第四重魔力:Leverage income 好处(坏处)看到了?

第三重魔力:Tax effective income
在贷款的情况下, 35%的利润是贷款利息不交税, 40% 折旧
不交税, 只有25%交税, 爽不爽?就算只是,30年后,1美元=25分, 赚到了!!!

第一重魔力:Passive income,除了股票的股息,这是我知道的唯一的Passive income。有PM的话,坐地收钱,爽不爽?(开销房客替你出了。)

第 二重魔力:Inflation income30年后,钱都是纸,房子不多赚,至少保值。不信?看看中国这二十年。

通 涨的威力 小小石头 2008-04-17 09:10:41 猜一猜:100年前花费一美刀的东东现在要花多少嘛呢才能买到呢? 答案是:$22.76。也就是说“$22.76 in the year 2007 has the same "purchase power" as $1 in the year 1907”。简单的说,过去的一百年里,通胀了22.76倍。 如果今后一百年里也具有相同的通胀率,而你现在有一百万现金并把它藏在阁楼上, 百年后你的下下一代能用它耒买多少东东呢?$43,936。 呵呵呵、、、这通涨是不是粉高啊?切!错了。过去的100年里通胀可是一点都不高, 累计平均才3.17%。那今后一百年里的通胀率会有多少呢?不知道,看今天FED这样 的印钱速度通胀率反正不会低于3.17%吧。 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××

bbs.wenxuecity.com/tzlc/683719.html, 大家可以加深理解。

现金流不好的话,死翘翘分分钟的事。现金流好的,搞不搞得定? 嘿嘿。。。



关键打水漂可能性极小 -soccer88- 给 soccer88 发送悄悄话 soccer88 的博客首页 (209 bytes) () 07/11/2016 postreply 15:36:43

你的还在呢,我的有3家破产了 -hz82000- 给 hz82000 发送悄悄话 hz82000 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/11/2016 postreply 18:12:42

我是跌下来以后才买了一些 -soccer88- 给 soccer88 发送悄悄话 soccer88 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/11/2016 postreply 18:31:21

More calculable and controllable, as WS could not play it -inet-fan- 给 inet-fan 发送悄悄话 inet-fan 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/11/2016 postreply 19:00:22

+1,因为规模化生产不大,大鱼不感兴趣 -soccer88- 给 soccer88 发送悄悄话 soccer88 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/11/2016 postreply 19:16:12



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