
来源: 2022-01-16 08:26:27 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


(请点击视频看颁奖典礼 主持人: LYJiang & 慢兔 )


Howdy, everyone!

Today's banner headline is all about Home. No, we have nothing to do with a certain Depot. Yes, we certainly have everything to do with Jia. In Chinese, Jia stands for the Hearth and Heart. Jia also refers to a School of Thought. Here let the hearth and heart be in the right place. Let a hundred schools of thought debate on everything under the sun.

And let a house be a home. A house divided cannot stand. A home, being indivisible, can always stand. It stands up for freedom and dignity. No wonder in the movie Nomadland, the free and dignified protagonist only conceded that she was houseless. She was homeward-bound if not already at home.

It's time for the world to be a home. For too long the world has been a stage, no offense to the Bard of Avon.

Come on in!


主持人:LYJiang( 开场白文字编写  及 所有中英文奖项命名)

              慢 兔 (开场白朗诵 & 视频制作)




美语世界2021圣诞新年【家Home】活动通知 12/12/2021-Jan/12/2022 主持人LYJiang和慢兔 


【01】【家Home】What is home? - 心存善念

【02】【家Home】What is home?_我的答案 - 何仙姑

【03】【家Home】“此心安处,便是吾乡。” - 心存善念

【04】【家Home】《Home On The Range》牧场是我家 - Ha65494

【05】【家Home】元宇宙会是未来的家吗?最好别!- 心存善念

【06】【家Home】 - 疏影笑寒

【07】【家Home】Ellai's home is a cave - 心存善念

【08】【家Home】《Five Hundred Miles》- CLary

【09】【家Home】Dreamland (Traumland)- 心存善念

【10】【家Home】he went homeless after spiritual awakening - 心存善念

【11】【家Home】盼(Expecting)- 天山晨

【12】【家Home】Earth - 心存善念

【13】【家Home】影随风上路 - 慢兔

【14】【家Home】one of the most beautiful homes ever built - 心存善念

【15】【家home】Coming Home - 欲借嵯峨

【16】【家Home 】诗里江南梦里家 Americans take Tang poetry home - LYJiang

【17】【家Home】【Dancing with your ghost】 Mountain High resort - 妖妖灵

【18】【家Home 】空谷幽兰(Road to Heaven) - 心存善念

【19】【家Home】远方 - 慢兔

【20】【家Home】Michael Bublé《HOME》-by 美景 - 沿途美景

【21】【家Home】The Radio City Christmas Spectacular - 盈盈一笑间

【22】【家Home】Fun at home - wbqm

【23】【家Home】Home is place with love 《有爱的地方就是家》by ap - AP33912

【24】【家Home】Mars! Mars? - 心存善念

【25】【家Home】[宋词英译] Fishermen’s Pride · Thoughts in Fall (《渔家傲·秋思》) - WXCTEATIME

【26】【家Home】A few small home Christmas decorations - 天边一片白云

【27】【家Home】Moon River: Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way - moiausis

【28】【家Home】How Much Longer Can We Live With Our Parents - 移花接木

【29】【家Home】A home away from home - rockcurrent

【30】【家Home】This is Home ...在看时代广场跨年的(家)^&^..Happy New Year All^&^.. - 青松站

【31】【家Home】Soaring housing prices - 唐古

【32】【家Home】Where Is Home, Little Pip? - 甜虫虫

【33】【家Home】Here is our home - 慢兔

【34】【家Home】A Home for a dream—-winter wonderland - rockcurrent

【35】【家Home】思乡 - LinMu

【36】【家Home】为美坛制作的video - 购物不狂

【37】【家Home】鲸歌 - 前川

【38】【家Home】Live-edge Walnut Computer Desk - woodwishper

【39】【家Home】【秋天的风景】【Autumn Landscape】英文诗 - 天玉之

【40】【家Home】神农氏是女神 (双语版) - LYJiang

【41】【家Home】吉他弹唱I'll Be Home for Christmas - 老地雷

【42】【家Home】《The Shape of Nostalgia 乡愁的模样》 - 忒忒绿

【43】【家Home】梁园虽好,不是久恋之家 - 陶陶三