News: Indonesia Says Sinovac's Vaccine 98% Effective to Prevent

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Indonesia Says Sinovac's Vaccine 98% Effective to Prevent Deaths From Covid-19

Jakarta. Coronavac, a vaccine made by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac has been 98 percent effective in reducing the number of deaths due to Covid-19 among health workers in Jakarta, according to a study released by the Health Ministry on Wednesday. 


The study evaluated Covid-19 data between Jan 13 — when the vaccination first started in Indonesia — and March 18,  tracking 128,290 health workers who had not suffered from the disease before the study period. 

The study found only one Covid-19 related death among 91,777 health workers in 28 to 63 days after receiving two doses of Sinovac's vaccine. That was equal to a case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.0001 percent.

In comparison, there were three deaths among 8,485 health workers who received only one dose of the vaccine, resulting in the group's CFR of 0.03 percent. Among  28,055 health workers who had yet to be vaccinated, the study found 17 deaths, resulting in a 0.66 percent death rate. 

In other words, the death rate dropped from 66 in 10,000 people to just one after two doses of vaccination, a decline of 98 percent — a number epidemiologists refer to as the vaccine effectiveness. 

The number of Covid-19 deaths among health workers in the study

Groups Deaths Total %
Not vaccinated 17 28,055 0.66
Vaccinated with the first dose 3 8,458 0.03
Vaccinated with the second dose 1 91,777 0.001


Also, the study found that complete Coronavac vaccination would be able to reduce hospitalization by 96 percent. 

The number of Covid-19 hospitalization among health workers in the study

Groups Hospitalization Total %
Not vaccinated 102 28,055 0.36
Vaccinated with the first dose 24 8,458 0.20
Vaccinated with the second dose 7 91,777 0.007

Source: Health Ministry


The number of Covid-19 infection among health workers in the study

Groups Infected Total %
Not vaccinated 2,431 28,055 8.66
Vaccinated with the first dose 657 8,458 7.76
Vaccinated with the second dose 521 91,777 0.56

Source: Health Ministry



Indonesia has administered 22.5 million vaccines to 13.7 million people in priority groups, including the health workers, workers in private and public service industries, and the elderly since the vaccination began on Jan 13, the ministry data showed on Thursday. 

Still, according to the government target of vaccinating 40 million people by the end of this month, the country should have administered at least 70 million doses of vaccine by Thursday.






不知道海外华文媒体会不会报道。塞舌尔政府5/10就说了住院的75-80%不是vaccinated的。但是这些华文媒体报道的是中国 -huntridge- 给 huntridge 发送悄悄话 huntridge 的博客首页 (962 bytes) () 05/15/2021 postreply 07:49:01

赞夫子的严谨的科学理念。比肘子强不知道多少倍,一个为了钱没有道德底线的人。 -锅沿- 给 锅沿 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/15/2021 postreply 08:21:34

关于国药疫苗的这种消息,可信度如何估计看客们都心中有数。 -业余城管- 给 业余城管 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/15/2021 postreply 17:01:30
