尸检找不到 traumatic asphyxia or strangulation的physical evidence。

来源: 志在千里 2020-05-31 19:16:19 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4238 bytes)
回答: 关于那个黑人,一个医生的看法SAR2020-05-31 08:36:31


In the charges brought against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Friday, a new finding shows the county medical examiner concluded the death of George Floyd was not a result of asphyxia or strangulation.

An autopsy of Floyd was conducted Tuesday following his death on Monday after Chauvin restrained him for nearly nine minutes by pressing his knee on Floyd's neck.

The full report by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office is pending but so far has found "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

Floyd's underlying health conditions included coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The report says the underlying health conditions, combined with Chauvin's restraint and any possible intoxicants in Floyd's system, likely contributed to his death.



20 块钱的事,一条人命,不管怎么都令人悲哀。 -吃与活- 给 吃与活 发送悄悄话 吃与活 的博客首页 (71 bytes) () 05/31/2020 postreply 21:23:50

是非常悲哀,明州容许警察压颈的protocol 完全不考虑后果,警察本人又有过度执法记录。。。 -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (325 bytes) () 05/31/2020 postreply 22:08:26

没有窒息或脊髓的损伤,就剩下颈动脉受压了。一侧颈动脉受压,另一侧被拉长? -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (137 bytes) () 05/31/2020 postreply 21:29:56

我的天,这太吓人:( -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2020 postreply 21:56:42

MMA格斗中, 运动员经常用勒住对手颈动脉的方法来迫使对方认输,或者将对方勒晕过去。 -DoraDora2008- 给 DoraDora2008 发送悄悄话 DoraDora2008 的博客首页 (60 bytes) () 06/01/2020 postreply 01:04:01

好奇若压住颈动脉大脑缺血,多久会死? 退一万步说,就算嫌疑犯反抗,警察不有手铐嘛,这压法怎么都说不过去。。 -pickshell- 给 pickshell 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/01/2020 postreply 05:04:01

死之前早失去意识昏迷过去了。如果还一直有意识在说话,说明警察根本没下死劲压。 -DoraDora2008- 给 DoraDora2008 发送悄悄话 DoraDora2008 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/01/2020 postreply 09:59:24

一部分四十岁以上的人具有“颈动脉窦高敏”。 颈动脉窦位于甲状软骨旁边,。。。 -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (223 bytes) () 06/01/2020 postreply 08:49:47

就是。不管怎样强调或夸大基础病,死亡与跪压还是脱不开干系。 -pickshell- 给 pickshell 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/01/2020 postreply 11:59:12

一部分四十岁以上的人具有“颈动脉窦高敏”。 颈动脉窦位于甲状软骨旁边,。。。 -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (223 bytes) () 06/01/2020 postreply 08:49:48

美国是无罪推论,如是毒品“pending”就不应该把那个“可能”加上去。临床常规查毒品20分钟就够,尸检肯定更复杂需要更长的时间 -老道- 给 老道 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/01/2020 postreply 02:37:17


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