[ZT] 世界范围内麻疹大爆发 联合国发警告 这些地区成重灾区

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CDC报告的MMR覆盖率 https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/coverage/childvaxview/data-reports/mmr/trend/index.html




2006 mumps outbreak in the Midwest, in which 6,500 cases were reported among a highly vaccinated population, and another in 2009, in which 5,000 cases were confirmed. By comparison, the annual average of mumps cases in the U.S. in the two decades preceding the 2006 outbreak was 265; before the introduction of the single-shot Mumpsvax vaccine in 1967, there were approximately 200,000 cases of the disease, according to the 55-page document.

由此可见,事实证明,single-shot Mumpsvax vaccine 作用明显优于MMR疫苗。但Merck早已停产该single疫苗。

美国是唯一一个疫苗受害者上诉不能直接起诉药厂,要通过疫苗法庭,而判决赔偿由联邦政府承担,也就是说花的是纳税人的钱。此外,CDC是疫苗厂商最大的顾客,购买后向全国推广,所以,政府与药厂之间有conflic of interests。这里是英国的一个中立的网站,信息更为可信:http://www.jabs.org.uk/

‘Vaccines save lives but all vaccines have side effects

'Vaccines have been credited with reducing some of the world's most deadly diseases. But while the market for vaccinations has tripled since the turn of the century, representing over $25 billion a year, and is expected to continue to rise rapidly, more and more people are starting to decide not to take them. The number of measles infections last year in the EU was three times what it was in 2016, notably because some people had decided not to get immunised….'


JABS PRESS RELEASE 8 February 2019:

Dr Andrew Zimmerman, paediatric neurologist, a world-renowned pro-vaccine expert medical witness for the US government has issued a sworn affidavit which says that he spoke with Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys and specifically the lead DOJ attorney during a break in the court proceedings to explain that he'd discovered "exceptions in which vaccination could cause autism."

"More specifically, I explained that in a subset of children with an underlying mitochondrial dysfunction, vaccine induced fever and immune stimulation that exceeded metabolic energy reserves could, and in at least one of my patients, did cause regressive encephalopathy with features of autism spectrum disorder"

"I explained that my opinion regarding exceptions in which vaccines could cause autism was based upon advances in science, medicine, and clinical research of one of my patients in particular.”

Dr. Andrew Zimmerman’s full Affidavit on alleged link between vaccines and autism that U.S. govt. covered up





疫苗推广后药厂按用量给政府回扣 -julie116- 给 julie116 发送悄悄话 julie116 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2019 postreply 20:51:47

就好像香烟,烟商每卖出一包烟,政府就有相应的回扣(税收),怪不得大麻都合法化了。 -医者意也- 给 医者意也 发送悄悄话 医者意也 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/04/2019 postreply 03:41:12

私有制国家加上民主选举需要筹款还有工会最后就是这样的结果 -julie116- 给 julie116 发送悄悄话 julie116 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/04/2019 postreply 07:16:21

仅仅在美国,自闭症每年就递增4万~10万例,媒体也从来没当一回事。是不是越稀罕的东西媒体就越有兴趣报道呢? -医者意也- 给 医者意也 发送悄悄话 医者意也 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/04/2019 postreply 03:37:52

我的观点诊断标准太松了 不给孩子打上自闭症的标签 孩子容易溶入孩群中 -hhhh- 给 hhhh 发送悄悄话 hhhh 的博客首页 (90 bytes) () 03/04/2019 postreply 05:39:48

“融入”就不能要求特殊教育,不能专门安排一个老师来照顾这些孩子。你让这些家长很难选择。 -医者意也- 给 医者意也 发送悄悄话 医者意也 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/04/2019 postreply 07:52:28

还有多动症等 -julie116- 给 julie116 发送悄悄话 julie116 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/04/2019 postreply 07:17:06



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