I heard it wrong. The hospital sent my dad home without surgery

来源: guest917d 2016-12-31 09:51:04 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (8138 bytes)

The hospital said there is no problem to do the surgery. In fact, it lasts only about one hour or so. But the chief doctor is not willing to do surgery. She said

dad在吃PARKINSON药5-6 年了, 3个月前吃金刚烷胺. 住院前已有在晚上说胡话,天生比较固执,  住院后特别紧张, 说很多话, 脱衣, 自己走出病房, 失禁 ...(他在家不这样的).The 神经科医生看了我爸, 认为他没有老年痴呆, 他的行为是由于金刚烷胺引起. 主治医师认为他有老年痴呆倾向,而且并非由于金刚烷胺引起.她 认为现在做手术会引发老年痴呆, 而且她认为是狂躁型。 She said if after 3 month dad is psychologically stable, she is willing to do surgery on him.

She rejected surgery using this as reason: their hospital is specialized in 骨科. They do not have experience to deal with 精神科 problem.They sent my dad home. 


Dad can sit now. He does not take pain-kill pill. He does feel not comfortable at broken area. But not very painful for now.

The question we have is

(1) 嵌插性骨折, what is the chance the 嵌插 will 分离? 分离后痛不痛? 

(2) 嵌插分离后还能不能坐?还能不能翻身?

(3) 嵌插分离后还能不能 do the surgery?


Happy new year!



回答 -薛成- 给 薛成 发送悄悄话 薛成 的博客首页 (347 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 10:52:22

现在,给你爸爸做一个“丁”字鞋,就是在鞋的足跟处订一个木条,成丁字状,找一个软的旧鞋子,这样穿上后卧位时下肢不会旋转,减少移位可 -薛成- 给 薛成 发送悄悄话 薛成 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 10:58:57

-薛成- 给 薛成 发送悄悄话 薛成 的博客首页 (120 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 11:07:02

sorry can not see the picture, can you post again, thanks -guest917d- 给 guest917d 发送悄悄话 guest917d 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 11:20:15

这样能看到吗? -薛成- 给 薛成 发送悄悄话 薛成 的博客首页 (105 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 13:36:51

i can see it. Was told they purchased this type of shoe -guest917d- 给 guest917d 发送悄悄话 guest917d 的博客首页 (315 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 16:46:57

现在不能下地,穿这鞋维持下肢在中立位,如果运气好,一个半月到二个月有可能愈合。但不排除股骨头无菌性坏死。 -薛成- 给 薛成 发送悄悄话 薛成 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 17:11:07

唉,帮不上忙,但是感概一下: -恶俗老狼- 给 恶俗老狼 发送悄悄话 恶俗老狼 的博客首页 (155 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 13:54:50

I feel the same way -guest917d- 给 guest917d 发送悄悄话 guest917d 的博客首页 (228 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 16:49:40

如果你可以在医院买一个这种泡沫外展枕, 让医生帮助你买一个. 我刚才搜一下淘宝, 没找到. -xiao-min- 给 xiao-min 发送悄悄话 (1183 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 14:08:13

这个骨科专科医院是否是私立的?国内大城市三甲医院科室都很全的。 -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (215 bytes) () 12/31/2016 postreply 14:35:42
