Almonds have always been a source of nutrients and energy. For kids, almonds are a part of munchies, for adults watching their weight, almonds are snacks. Almonds are packed with carbohydrates, proteins, fat, magnesium and more. That is why you’ll find that almonds form an integral part of breakfast in many Indian households. One can eat almond as raw or roasted. Almonds are also available as flour, butter, oil and almond milk! No matter how one consumes it, almonds give our body a healthy dose of nutrients.

But like they say, too much of anything is not healthy. The same applies to almonds too.

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Top 7 Side Effects Of Almonds:

Almonds do come with their own share of side effects, some of which are:

1. Gastrointestinal Problems:

Consuming a lot of almonds can lead to constipation and bloating since they are high on fiber. If your body is not used to processing large amount of fiber, it can lead to stomach upset. Since the nuts are difficult to digest, it leads to excess stress on the tummy. If you have a weak digestive system and are prone to digestive disorders, you should control your almond intake. One way to handle this is by drinking lots of water. But also keep in mind that drinking too much water leads to sodium imbalance in the body.

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2. Medication Interactions:

If you are on a manganese-rich diet and you consume almonds, it might lead to drug interactions. This is because almonds are also rich in manganese. High amount of manganese in the body interacts with laxatives, antibiotics and certain blood pressure medications. You only need 1.3 to 2.3 mg of manganese in your daily diet.

3. Overdose Of Vitamin E:

We require about 15mg of Vitamin E every day. By consuming large quantities of almonds, it’s possible to reach above 1000mg of the required intake. The side effects of excess Vitamin E are diarrhea, flatulence, blurred vision, headaches and dizziness, and lethargy.

[ Read: Top 25 Vitamin E Rich Foods ]

4. Weight Gain:

One of the major side effects of excessive consumption of almonds is weight gain. Since almonds contain 14g of fat and 163 calories per ounce. If you are not burning away sufficient amount of calories, you’ll definitely pile on the pounds as your body will store the excess calories as fat. So incorporate almonds in your daily diet as part of a meal plan. If you are maintaining your weight, make sure the almonds are part of your 2000 calorie intake. If you are trying to lose weight, then let the almonds be within the 1200-1500 calorie intake.


5. Increases Toxic Level In The Body:

This is one of the major side effects of eating too many almonds. Bitter almonds are known to contain hydrocyanic acid, which leads to symptoms, such as slowing of the nervous system, breathing problem that can also be fatal.

6. Allergic Reactions:

This is a rare side effect, but some people have shown allergic reactions to almonds. Here the symptoms will be rashes, difficulty in breathing etc.

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7. Presence Of Bacteria:

This side effect is not specific to almonds, but being a part of the nut family, almonds are prone to bacterial growth. Depending on where they are grown, almonds might be subjected to harmful bacterial growth, which can lead to health problems if consumed without proper cleaning. In fact, in many countries selling raw almonds is illegal.

So, now that you know the almonds side effects, make informed decisions and stay healthy and safe. There is no doubt about the fact that almonds are good for our health, but moderation is the key. Talk to your nutritionist and decide on how many almonds a day is good for you.

Let us know of any other side effects of almonds that you have experienced in the comments section below.

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