美国mammogram有两个临床指南,家医从50岁开始,两年一次。 妇科40岁开始, 一年一次,原则上75岁停止。
所以跟家医一辈子做13次, 妇科35次。
亚裔乳腺组织密度太高的人很多, B超对密度高的组织有效,美国很多州要求医师告诉病人密度高的问题, 家医和妇科医师因此常常同时order钼靶和乳超,
但放射科医师做screen全乳腺B超, 没有updated mammogram一般不出报告, 因为只做B超没有指南。
我们这里做mammogram后超过半年时(10到11个月)做全乳腺B超没问题。。。 所以可以大约一年mammogram, 一年B超。 完全符合所有指南。 所有医师都高兴
Breast Cancer | Diagnosis & Tests - FamilyDoctor.org
Ob-Gyns Continue to Recommend Annual Mammograms for ...
美国政府和家医一致, 或家医听政府的
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [DRAFT]
50 to 74 years: Biennial screening (B recommendation)*
Prior to age 50 years: The decision to start screening mammography should be an individual one. Women who place a higher value on the potential benefit than the potential harms may choose to begin biennial screening between the ages of 40 and 49 years. (C recommendation)*
[NEW] Women with a parent, sibling, or child with breast cancer may benefit more than average-risk women from beginning screening between the ages of 40 and 49 years
75 years of age and older: The current evidence is insufficient to assess the effectiveness of screening mammography in women (I statement)*