
网购杏仁时很可能来自不同的产地和不同的采收年.  所以它们所含苦杏仁甙的量也可能不同. 有的品种可能相差很大. 只想提醒一下, 没有要断土耳其苦杏仁商的生意或故意要跟某些人过不去. 吃不吃是个人的决定与选择. 我尊重个人选择. 


In 2006, the amygdalin contents of sweet cultivars ranged from 1.14 4 g/100 g (Kabaasi) to 0.608 g/100 g (Hac?haliloglu). In this study, while amygdalin was found at similar levels in Aprikoz, Cataloglu and Hacihaliloglu cultivars during both years, a lower level of amygdalin was found in Ismail aga, Kabaasi and Sekerpare cultivars in 2005 than in 2006. These differences in amygdalin content are considered t o be due to the differences in the harvest time when t he fruit was collected. As a matter of fact, Frehner et al. (1990) reported that the cyanogenic content of seeds might vary significantly throughout maturation and th at an increase occurred with maturation in almond seeds (Gomez et al., 1998).


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