
来源: Big_benz 2014-05-07 17:29:59 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1414 bytes)
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Sorry, 周一开始出差.  下午回到家.

mile1 10:07
2: 10:04
3: 10:08
4:  9:49
5:  10:03
6: 9:27
7: 10:32
8:  10:30
9:  10:03
10: 9:45
11: 9:30
12: 9:47
13: 9:53
14: 9:45
15: 10:05
16: 10:45
17:  11:10
18:  12:05
19: 10:37
20: 10:55
21: 10;03
22:  10:00
23:  12:27
24: 12:08
25: 14:11
26: 13:26
0.61: 6:37

Total time : 4:43:something.

A little disappointed.  The biggest problem was my training - did not have enough weekly base mileage. 
At 1/2 way point, I was feeling very good so I took off.  Right away, I could not continue and slow down - walked a lot on mile 18.  Recovered and ran another 4 miles to mile 22. 

After that, my calf started to hurt and I lose the willing to run.  Knowing I will finish under 5 hours, I was happy just to walk like everyone around me.  Started to run again at last mile and finished the race running strong. 

I did finish my first marathon after only two years of physical exercises.  Will run again next year,


佩服,敬礼!但是当您跑跑停停的时候,您的肌糖原已经消耗殆尽,等到肝糖原分解后才能继续上路 -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 17:55:01

对不起心肝啦! -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 17:55:59

一路上 每3英里 take GU -Big_Benz- 给 Big_Benz 发送悄悄话 Big_Benz 的博客首页 (58 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 18:06:12

不喝高能饮料吗?含有葡萄糖,乙酰胆碱,多糖,盐水,L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, Taurine? -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 18:09:09

GU = 高能饮料 -Big_Benz- 给 Big_Benz 发送悄悄话 Big_Benz 的博客首页 (159 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 18:22:34

查阅了您说的GU高能饮料,详细的配方,成分比较落后。。。 -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 18:52:18

长跑有吐血而死者,与肺动脉高压有关。高能饮料里应该加入 L-Arginine, 它促进一氧化氮生成。。。 -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/08/2014 postreply 11:27:44

一氧化氮可以消除肺动脉高压。。。 -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/08/2014 postreply 11:29:07

祝贺! -viewfinder- 给 viewfinder 发送悄悄话 viewfinder 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 18:32:47

谢谢 -Big_Benz- 给 Big_Benz 发送悄悄话 Big_Benz 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 18:41:06

恭喜跑完全程,祝贺! -闽姑- 给 闽姑 发送悄悄话 闽姑 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 20:02:41

祝贺老网友! -TBz- 给 TBz 发送悄悄话 TBz 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 20:03:20

最后几个英里走起来也挺快 -Manymore- 给 Manymore 发送悄悄话 Manymore 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2014 postreply 20:06:02

恭喜。 -greenonion- 给 greenonion 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/08/2014 postreply 08:02:09

Good work! How far did your long run(s) go? Maybe that's why you -plum59- 给 plum59 发送悄悄话 plum59 的博客首页 (14 bytes) () 05/10/2014 postreply 05:26:20

乐不起啊!这辈子可以吹牛了! -coach1960- 给 coach1960 发送悄悄话 coach1960 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2014 postreply 19:07:41
